wow, now this is the type of info I need.
thanks alot, will be feeding my girl tonight as you mentioned with
1L mix, grow 1ml/L + algamic 1ml/L + calmg 1ml/L ( except I dont have the cal mg but ı will get some asap

so its the bloom nute ı shouldnt be using, but grow and algamic i can be using from now on. ok got it bro.
I really appreciate your help, this list gonna save my life, at least I have a reference point to look at.
so basically every 3 days you are giving 1 lt water with nutes in it.
and the frequency of watering gets less, but with more water sometimes too.
just one question, regarding the last days of your grow:
- Day 61 - Filtered Water @ 2L
- Day 62 - Filtered Water @ 2L
- Day 63 - Filtered Water @ 2L
- Day 64 - Filtered Water @ 2L
- Day 65 - Filtered Water @ 2L
this is the flushing part I believe.
I always thought of flushing as, give one very big pure water watering with good run off.
and then wait about a week to harvest.
but from your schedule I see it is not as ı assumed at all.