Mephisto Genetics Stealth Armoire Max Out

what did the stomper smell like?
Very pungent; Earthy, woody with a sweetness to it. Actually made my eyes water.
Hard of the girl's side branch colas are double ended. Two colas on each branch end; that's the way she grew.
Yield will be on the low to average. The buds when dried and cured will be extraordinary. Skyrone Stomper is not a pretty plant, but the buds are very sticky, frosty and very pungent. Really that's all we ask for.
Nice plants BayLee ... I helped grow and harvest a Stomper ... weed was wicked potent ... one bowl and I was stupid high ... lost the center cola to mold after it was in the jar w/ a Boveda ... probably due to bud density so keep a close eye on your rh during cure ...
Cool Tube exhaust view of the Girls.

The front row S/Stompers' have been through a whole FEED-WATER-FEED w/o any FEED. One complete cycle of plain water fortified with some molasses that I had to use up..emptied the last of the Epsom Salts, few drops of Floralicious Plus. The buds are frosty and ready...not a drop of amber color..the Roots Organic soil still has to dry out and see what that one gallon "flush" did to speed up this Grow.

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That's a great job on that cabinet man! Are you running any type of odor control? You may have mentioned it earlier, but I don't have a very strong memory lol