Epic Starting material....

Reversing them. Should have started them earlier but I think I can make it work. Next time I'll pop the reversed plants 14-21 days earlier.
I've been training and defoliating the ones I'm not reversing and slowing them down. Took off all but the top nodes on the ones in reversing so they're focused on producing pollen. It's not like I need a lb of it lol.
Ok guys so.... stem rub update.

I'm finding the most pungent stem rubs out of this crew - the Passion Punch from RocBudInc is just wildly strong fruity - cheese smell - and almost like rich leather mixed in. . it's beautiful and twice as strong as any other plant. Sour Gummy Bears smells just like it's name. Sour Stomper smells like sour grapes. . . The Passion Punch is just a winner overall - purple calyxs, deep purple bud - vigourous - took well to training, didn't slow down much when I defoliated etc (I know I shouldn't stress test while on the breeding run but I stop all stressful activity three weeks before they get jizzed down with female jizz lol.

The Sour STomper is the Clear Winner of everytihng and I truly wish I had another one to knock up.

As a side note I also popped three x 3BOG that I'll knock up later. After watching how these plants grow I planted the 3bog in 5 gallon hempy's with straight perlite on bottom. I have a feeling the perched water table of a hempy is going to make these Auto's BLOW up.
First Tiny Pollen Sacs
Ok, I think I can do a picture. This is the Meph's Pino Noir Both of them were winners - this is the one I reversed. Yes I realize I would have had much bigger plants if I'd not trimed them - but my goal is pollen production from the few top buds - so I grew them all untouched until they were large then trimmed them down to fit under the lights I have assigned for this project and also I found a small pocket of mites (Literally one fan leaf on a small flowering plant, maybe 10 of the bastards in total, like WHERE THE FUCK do they come from in the middle of a -30 winter in a sterlized grow) in another room and part of my IPM is to remove all fan leaves if I see even ONE mite.

The plants used for breeding that won't get smoked are also treated with Spinosad and Imadicloprid and if there are pressures in the area E20 (ya I use it, ONLY in breeding area's and I use proper precautions and concentrations, NONE of the plants that touch any of those chems ever touch equipment or go into area's where my meds are produced)

I switched to Advanced COCO PH Perfect Conneseur for ease of use and to lower my salts mixing time.

ANYWAY heres the first autoflower I reversed. - NEXT POST AS I HAVE TO POST FROM MY PHONE.
pino noir first signs of reversal other than a lack of white hairs.

Ok I believe today was my last spray - I am considering trashing the Magic Cookies that I'm reversing as it's not going to make it in time and I'm going to have another one crossed with pino noir . . .

Then I'll have the two reversed plants in two seperate areas and I can put them infront of the fan and letter rip.

I've used the AN line before. I found the "ph perfect" didn't really work until the higher 3/4/5ml per Litre dosages. I also found that the initial mix EC/pH can change quite a bit if you let it sit. I'd mix some, test numbers, let it sit overnight, test again.
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I've used the AN line before. I found the "ph perfect" didn't really work until the higher 3/4/5ml per Litre dosages. I also found that the initial mix EC/pH can change quite a bit if you let it sit. I'd mix some, test numbers, let it sit overnight, test again.
I still ph it to 5.8. it raises to 6.3 by the next day I haven't tested it sitting longer than that but thanks I'll be sure to always test aim low and retest the next day. Run off is around 6.2. I'll let it sit a day first and readjust. Damn tubing to my res sprung a random pinhole leak and put 50 gallons on the basement floor. I can't understand how that leak happened in the middle of 5/8,the black hydroponic line. No friction .. So strange.
Getting Closer - Because of how many times per day I'm in and out of my rooms I moved the reversed girls and setup to collect in a still room that is another few barriers away from my downstairs grow which I don't want to seed as it's doing decent..


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