Staff Interviews.........

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:woohoo1: :woohoo1: :d5: :cooldance: :cooldance: ePeeeeee! :clapper::clapper::clapper: :joy: :wiz: :joy: Reeeeeeeb! :pighug: :kiss: :haha::thanks: :bow: ....yet another exceptional grilling on the AFN barbie :tang:... it's so rich, I'm back for a second helping!:crisps:... I must say eP, you're upping your game with every interview, striking a great balance between comic styling and getting great personal details that reveal new facets about the hapless victims! A wonderful indulgent read each time- :eyebrows: :thumbsup: Reb, I knew you'd shine just like you did with this! Even I learned some new stuff, which is saying something, considering you were literally on my AFN doorstep the moment I started here, and have been close and unwavering with help, humor and support ever since for nearly 3 years,...however batshit crazy things got!:bighug::thanks: ... yes indeed, a toast to our late Joe Dirt/X, for all the no-nonsense help and grumpy ol' guy humor he shared with us! :cheers: :smokeout:....... Oh!- speaking of rich :rofl: -"No... cross dressing is not for me! LOL" ....:crying: :pimp: :face:....... Okay, line-up, assume the position, cheek to cheek!! :slap: :slap: :bravo: .... thank you both for heaping on the Goodness here,...:smoker1:
I am so proud to present Snipers interview. I have had a blast doing this one. It was hard work at times, but I could not have had a more honest and generous fellow to interview as our Snipes.....

Snipers prelude.......

"Alright let's see there's really not alot to me, high school drop out that fought with addiction and beat it without the help of any BS rehab .
I'm a gamer, a gun nut and a cat person. I hunt and fish. Had several near death moments wrecking atv's, but the last made me realize how I want to live. Money don't mean shit if your not happy and I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable.

I'm single cause rule 1. if your single when you start growing your single till you stop or it becomes legal cause some people can't be trusted when they are mad.
(Amen to that...eP)

I suffer from cluster headaches and migraines and weed is great at helping with them and keeping them at bay, shrooms a few times a year help too.

I'm probably the only person on this forum that don't own any music never been into music much only played the radio in the car to drown out the noises the car makes.

I guess you could ask what my 3 wishes would be But like I said there's not alot to sniper"

Okay.....whay are your three wishes.....

Wish #1 world wide repeal of Marijuana prohibition

Wish #2 to travel through space so I can grow weed close to suns ;) more uv more potent

Wish #3 for the show firefly to come back :pass:

But we don't wanna stop there do we eh? There has to be more to Sniper than that.

Her is what I gathered from friends (sic) and collegues........

first off our friend Waira......


questions for Sniper's torment!

I know he has a few cats, whom he loves dearly,...
believe it or not, he doesn't have a PC either!
I don't know how he works the site on just a phone,..
not sure there's anything there to use!....
he's had a rough life of sorts, eP,..
he ruined his body working pipelines, so I think he's on disability,...
bad headache/migraine problems,...
but for all that, in the nearly 3 years I've known him,
he's one of the most stable, generous and funny guys on here, hands down!
I suspect he has ADD/ADHD, and struggled with education, but he's clearly quite intelligent,
...he's an interesting cat, and genuinely good people... OK, here's a little something:

Sniper, rumor has it that you're on your way to becoming a crazy cat guy (lady-*snicker!)...
Who coughs up the bigger hairballs? Your fur, or theirs?....
have you smoked catnip before?? ...have you had to be wormed before?

Well i have 3. Meryl, Dusty and Lacey
Meryl coughs up the only ones:D
Nope never smoked catnip but I do give the cats any males and fan leafs
Nope never had to be wormed either

And now over to Nammy.....who else could ask questions like this eh ?

Whats up my little buddy?
1.Were you ever a real sniper?
2.How old were you when you first had sex,by yourself doesn't count
3.How old are you?
4.What type of work do you do?
5.Does your wife smoke weed?

1. do you mean in the military ? No. I got i have bad knees that hyper extend with a deformation on the back of my knee caps

2. 17

3. Damn now I gotta count... 34 ish I don't really keep count

4. *** Answer Deleted *** Shame on you Sniper.....eP.

5.Not married

Okay, and now onto my questions.....For a change, I am not going to list the question, just the replies.
You will have to guess what I asked. Topics were dinner party guests, shrooms/acid, addictions and hunting.
Can't remember what the last question was ?????

Snipers Replies were.....
See I don't stay awake on shrooms I like to "dream trip" I eat 4 grams smoke a little weed ride out the fun
body buzz and then lay in the bed and off I go in to dreamland

Now the time I did acid was a trip. I had bought 2 gel tabs and ate them on the bus to high school. Well no body told me it takes a while to kick in so I go to my first class and bought another hit and ate it. Half way through the class the teacher leaves and we start getting up doing what ever and that's when I noticed it. The floor started moving up and down like waves. Class finally ended off to the 2nd class really, feeling it at this point. Amazing I even made it to class. Well make it through with no problems till time for lunch. See, I skipped out early the day before and the teacher caught me after I was gone, well I now had to sit in the room with only the teacher like 10 mins so I start watching the clock every time the sec hand
ticked the clock dripped on to the table the teacher is trying to talk to me my eyes are locked on the dripping clock try to figure out what time it is he finally said go. And I went to lunch. So outside away from the masses I went and spent lunch watching clouds. Third period was a test day, I didn't do to good on
it apparently. Drawings are not correct answers skipped. 4th period chilled in my buddy's truck, got home and sat on my bed watching the floor moving wondering when is this gonna wear off !!

That was probably 5 years before I got hooked on meth for almost 4 years daily till I did a shot contaminated with something and thought I was gonna die. Freezing, sweating, burning up covered in chill bumps, feeling of needles up and down my spine. I quit when I started feeling better. I cut out everyone that was part of that lifestyle. Had a relapse 3 months later and hated it. I gave a guy almost an 8 ball
of meth and said do it or flush! I don't want it anymore that was almost 10 years ago now.

Well first I'd invite all of afn to the dinner party then I'd invite Nikola tesla And get him to lay out how the global free power grid would work and what we need to do to make it happen. Then maybe we can have hoverboards that actually hover .

A perfect day hunting or fishing is any day you get to go not having cluster headaches and migraines.
As long as my skull isn't splitting it's a perfect day, a big buck or big fish just puts
a cherry on top.

Please ladies make 3 lines blondes brunettes and red head.


Oh yeah I caught a question from elvis in high team

What was my first gun and how old was I?

My first gun was a single shot 22lr lever action my grandpaw gave me on my 5th birthday

Was that just the most honest and revealing interview yet ? If you thought you knew Sniper before, I bet you have a different opinion now. I sure do. Many thanks to Sniper for being a stand up guy. Thanks to Waira and Nammy for the info and questions and bits of background on Sniper.
It is so obvious from the pm's I have received while doing this interview, what real love there is for Sniper. I know he will be embarrassed to read this, but the smiley says it all.......:bighug: eP.
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