the Deimos is very bushy now I trimmed her again today and moved her to her own 5gal DWC bucket, the La Diva is owning the box, its massive compared to the others, its taking up most of the 7 gal rez by its self, leaving only the front third of the box for the ID/AK-R f1 and the Snowryder which are both staying fairly small, these two will be similar in size to my Il Diavolo from my last run.
I am starting to wonder when Deimos is going to show me her pistils, she is 31 days old now and still doesnt have a single pistil on her, the seed was feminized though so im sure its going to be a girl, but maybe its slower to auto than the others, not sure how long this strain takes to show sex but all my other autos have shown sex between week 3 and 4.