Indoor Squid's Second Grow-Duurty Dragon, Diesel Ryder & MI5

I've been digging around a bit and found that this is indeed a common problem and there's a LOT of debate over the PH that should be used with promix. People running PH over 6 all seem to be having problems and share your opinion of "semi-soilless" or are banging their head against the wall wondering what's wrong when people who they trust are telling them to go above 6 and their shit is looking sad. Their are very few complaints from people running promix between 5.5 letting it swing to 6.0. Just saying man. Another thing, manufactures of different nutrients seem to have different recommendations for PH in promix which WILDLY varies. Can't hurt to try it on one plant though... I know you like to experiment, pull out that pioneering spirit, lol.

Right on, thanks man. Much appreciated.
Hey there man. I appreciate the concern, but Premier Horticulture, the company that makes Promix, considers Promix as a semi-less medium and they personally recommend a ph of 6.3. In between traditional hydroponics and soil.

I got this info from Jackal and I just plain cannot even begin to question his knowledge.

Thanks again man! :smokebuds:
Had to clear this up Squid, Advanced Nutrients said that about Promix. I've never talked to the makers of Promix. I think Taviddude gave some solid advice. Every time I feed my pH is between 5.5-5.8.
Squiddy, It's time for you to try mixing organic soil mix. Nothing like a set it and forget it grow op.
i second mr piggy. you seem like the kinda guy that would enjoy mixing up a batch of organic soil and getting your hands dirty. can even make it all Vegan! its a very forgiving medium too. :smokebuds:
Hey Hugo. He wasn't saying at all that the humics wouldn't work. His entire point was that I just need to keep it really simple, so not use anything like that. They were never starved of water just given too much to begin with and now they have had nutes and ok ph for a couple days now and they kinda look worse. I believe Mossy when he says they are just too far gone. So more than likely they will be pulled tonight to tomorrow. They are three weeks behind and so tiny and even if they took off, my yield would most likely barely be worth it.

No worries though. I'm not worried at all. I'm gonna clean house and take a small break of sorts. I want to focus on more research and taking care of Molly, the one MI5 that I do have and she is only a few weeks or so from harvest at almost 7 weeks old. I am also gonna take this time to clean my tent out and just kinda re evaluate and take it down a notch. Keep it super simple. And at some point soon I will get started again.

I appreciate all of your help Hugo. I've got it all figured out now and decided to just take a break from it all for a bit. Take it easy bro.
thats awesome bro..sounds like youve taken that well needed breath, and are ready to take the next step...remember everyone's road is different..yours just has more bumps. With all the tools your finding along the way, you can fix all the pot holes and bumps as you go~pretty soon youll be able to charge a toll for everyone traveling on your road and looking at the view. Hope these analogies/metaphors make sense..hahaha. anyhow, im proud of ya man..i know youve heard it many times before, but your gonna be a great grower. Great.
Had to clear this up Squid, Advanced Nutrients said that about Promix. I've never talked to the makers of Promix. I think Taviddude gave some solid advice. Every time I feed my pH is between 5.5-5.8.
shit, bro, we might be onto something???
can even make it all Vegan!

It's true. One of the dankest buds I ever smoked was grown in a vegan soil mix. I want to try and find that hippie, see if he'll give up the recipe. If I do, you'll be the first to know squid.
Had to clear this up Squid, Advanced Nutrients said that about Promix. I've never talked to the makers of Promix. I think Taviddude gave some solid advice. Every time I feed my pH is between 5.5-5.8.

Alright. Most excellent. Taviddude, sorry about that, I got my facts mixed up. Luckily, Jackal is here to clarify. For the record, I did think you were on to something, but I thought I had heard something different. Piggy and pher, I will do that down the line. I have no choice, but to use what I have for now.

Thanks Growbee. Yes, I have made it up for air. lol Thanks dude.

Now I have to run some tests with a lower ph.
It's true. One of the dankest buds I ever smoked was grown in a vegan soil mix. I want to try and find that hippie, see if he'll give up the recipe. If I do, you'll be the first to know squid.

Dude please do! You've told me about that cat before. I'd love to know his mix.
Hiya Squid! I've looked thru the last dozen pages of you thread,what was the ph of your promix when you started? Not runoff but actual ph of the stuff before you planted? I ask because i just cracked open the bale of promix bx i bought a couple weeks ago and checked it with my probe just to see what it was. It read 5.8 consitently with 2 different probes and tests and thats right outta the bag wet down with 7.0 distilled water to test the soil with the probe.