Indoor Squid's Second Grow-Duurty Dragon, Diesel Ryder & MI5

Why Captain oh Captain. Glad you came around. No worries on taking it the wrong way. We've been forum buddies long enough for me to know what you mean and all. I appreciate the time you have taken to type me this long reply and for your general concern on my grow.

I went real simple with those last dragons I planted man. Plain Promix in bigger 32 oz cups and just plain ph water until yesterday when I flushed them and then gave a real light feed. And I didn't give them any water for almost two weeks because the cup had been watered prior to planting the germinated bean and they weren't dry. And what's the deal with the plain compost..what's wrong with the Promix?

I backed off on helping as much as I was...and I sit around a lot and am on here a lot as far as the posting goes. I couldn't spend any more time in the tent, I try to forget about them more than I used to instead of constantly checking them and trying to fix things. Just let them grow ya know? I have definitely been trying to keep it simple on the newer ones and I still have issues. And I haven't actually pollenated anything and didn't pan to try to till later. I have two kinds of pollen stored for when that comes. Focusing on the growth of a few females.

All the nutes you see me using are all on that MI5 and she is doing fine.

I am going to try again, but I don't know how to be much more simple. This is what I do:

1. Germinate bean in tupperware with paper towels(2 days and have sprouts basically every time)

2. Fill 32 oz cup full of plain Promix BX and water with plain ph 6.5 water until just a little runoff so that I know it's all the way through. Then I let that sit out for several hours or overnight for full drainage and drying out a little.

3. Plant germinated bean about 1/2 inch down, maybe less. Cover cup with sammich sack with a small hole for some air flow.

4. Place into tent under regular light schedule.

5. Remove bag after it sprouts above mix.

6. Then bam about 12 days later I get issues. They didn't need water that whole time. Tap roots reach bottom by then sometimes, not always.

That's it.
Hey squid, I noticed you mentioned your pots didn't dry out for two weeks? They should be drying out sooner then that imo, I water every 2 days but my temps are hot. I also think you should try out a compost. I have used compost my first few grows and haven't been able to kill a plant indoors yet. I would take it just one plant at a time.
Squid I think you're saturating your soil to much in step 2. Try to just moisten the soil up before you stick your beans in. Just so the soil is damp not soaked. If they don't need water for 12 or so days then that's to much water in the beginning. The roots grow by searching for water if your cup is saturated it will cause issues. Water lightly every two to three days when they dry out, I'll even mist the top layer of soil (lightly) in between waterings. Sorry about your troubles buddy, we"ll get you straightened out.
I don't know what to tell you bro but something is not right. With what your saying you shouldn't have any problems. I thought in your previous posts when the dragon had yellowing you said you used some diamond black and something else I may be wrong tho. Maybe just a bad batch of soil Squid. But from what you said in post above you shouldn't be facing the same problems. Ph meter calibrated and checked, not over watering and not over feeding you should be good. There's nothing wrong with pro mix. But I would most likely try something out of a different bag if your facing issues with it time and time again. Green karma bro :wiz:
Thanks guys! I get told so many different things it's crazy. But I bet you guys are right. Some have told me they soak all the way through and plant, sometimes not even waiting a few hours for the water to drain. I was going back over my own list and that just has to be it. It's all simple, but that's too much water I guess. I even have extra perlite for drainage. we go again.

I rock in the 80s with lights on so they should be drying up faster I agree. Captain, you sailing back this way tonight?

Edit: Ohp, there you are. I check my meter almost every time and it's only been off once and by about .7 maybe. Nope haven't used a thing on those Dragons, I know it gets confusing on what I am putting where. Completely agreed that I am trying too much.

I know this isn't the best comparison, but my veggies and flower outside are doing great in the Promix. And all three MI5s are ok, but I see what you're saying. It's hard to find something like I need with little or no nutes. Any brand name suggestions? Plus I am flat broke, like crazy broke.
I thought in your previous posts when the dragon had yellowing you said you used some diamond black and something else I may be wrong tho. Maybe just a bad batch of soil Squid. But from what you said in post above you shouldn't be facing the same problems.

Hey captain, diamond black is humin, a form of humic acids derived from leonardite and it should be perfectly safe when used within the range in the label. It doesn't affect the pH in strange ways (pH of 6.0), and it sure doesn't cause plants to yellow up. It's mostly a chelating agent for nutrient uptakes. But you must know this, so why do you state against humics or diamond black in particular?
I didn't say it was causing his problem it was just the only thing I remembered he was using off the top of my head. What I wad saying was just not to use anything. Just keep it simple.
I'm all for kiss method.

Even so I've been using kelp, humics and mycorrhiza from the very first stages of growth (from sprout) with success. I find it strengthens the plants and boosts health.
Humics even help growers not to over feed because it habilitates plants to get rid of disposals easily.

Squid said it best when He said he gets told so many different things. Perfect example ahah!
Yup. My way of telling people is if you've never grown a successful plant from start to finish to start from the basics. Soil, water and light. Only small doses of nutes when the plant gets out of seedling stage. Basically what I told him in my first post. If the guys a seasoned grower I would never tell him not to do what he does. But if your having problems with your first 2 grows it's best to not overthink it and keep it as simple as you can for yourself. It seems like your taking it the wrong way. Obviously I know what diamond black is and I clearly didn't say thing were going wrong because of it. I was stating that I believe he is over thinking everything and trying to do to much before ever have grown a female start to finish. Work time I'll catch yas later. Green karma brother Squid.
I couldnt agree more with your ph, but other then that, keep it simple. My AKRs took 2 weeks before i needed to water them again at first..and i only watered a little. Dude, i soooo wish i was there with you, or someone at least, to just sort of work with you, and keep your mind off the bad, and focus on the good. Dont stress. I know how friggin' hard that is, but everyone goes through it..even the mighty cap'n and jackal had a first grow. Keep it simple. I dont think promix is working out for you for the first time. I know how it is to be that friggin' broke too. If you remember correctly, i had to use couch change to buy my dolomite lime...hahaha:crying: