Indoor SPZ's Ultimate vs. Gorilla Showdown

Day 60

I mentioned I purchased some heating equipment, the first package arrived Saturday. I've been reading that the heat mats I purchased for germinating work well for keeping plants warm in a cold grow space. According to "The Best of Ask Ed: Your Marijuana Questions Answered":

Another way of solving the problem [grow room too cold] is by heating the medium using heat coils or mats made for this purpose. If the roots are kept warm, plants tolerate lower air temperatures better.

So if you noticed in the picture I've had one under the smaller ultimate for a week or so now. Didn't seem to be doing any harm so I purchased another two pack of mats to go under the other plants. I've got the thermostat set for 74F and the thermal probe is in the water in one of the autopot trays. I installed the rest of the mats on Saturday and I haven't run the space heater since. The girls seem to be responding well!

This is the two pack of heat mats. From the brochure they included I'd say this company specializes in kit for grow rooms

Here's the thermostat controller they are all plugged into

Here's a group shot of the girls with their mats. I put a piece of aluminum foil under each mat to reflect the heat back and away from the wood.
Here's a few more pics of the girls on day 60, starting to look (and smell) tasty!

Gorilla 1, she's still stretching!

Gorilla 1 pre-flowers

Ultimate 1

Ultimate 1 bud shot

Ultimate 2

Ultimate 2 close up of bud forming
Nice looking group of ladies. That Gorilla 1 is taking off....

They are starting to dance now :dancer:

She is feeding like a gorilla, too! They are drinking 5 liters per day. I am heading out of town for a long weekend so I just flushed the lines, cleaned and refilled the reservoir with 30 liters of fresh solution. Hopefully that tides them over for a few days.
They are starting to dance now :dancer:

She is feeding like a gorilla, too! They are drinking 5 liters per day. I am heading out of town for a long weekend so I just flushed the lines, cleaned and refilled the reservoir with 30 liters of fresh solution. Hopefully that tides them over for a few days.
5 liters a Enjoy your trip. It is sort of chilly here.... mid 60's burrrrrr
