Live Stoner Chat Southern Mj laws??

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Most southern democrats are conservatives who believe in individual and states rights. Many left the Democrat parts as it moved farther and farther to the left and away from it's traditional core values. They were dubbed the "Reagan Democrats" after they threw their support behind Ronald Reagan. As the Democrat party became viewed as the party of big government and the Republican party the party of conservatism they felt their views were better represented by the Republican party so have switched over. Two years ago TN elected it's first Republican legislature since reconstruction. This year we elected a Republican governor, making TN one of the few states under complete Republican control. Our unemployment rate has been consistently 2-3 points below the national average and with low state and local taxes and no state income tax, is attractive to both individuals and businesses. The recession never hit very deeply here and we are recovering faster than most other states, putting TN way ahead of the curve.

That's something else that confuses the hell outta me concerning the South.
Growing up, I remember the South being mostly Democrats, because it was the Republican class that freed the slaves, but the last couple elections - the South has gone Republican.
I spent a summer at L.B.I. Worked at an Italian restaurant/bar. :
lol a Thai Buddha man working at a Italian restauranr/bar? i see you already sitting on the pizza!!
I know some of the oldest and most conservative people in the South. Most do not have a problem with medical use (well at least those aren't enslaved to false propaganda that was spread when they were younger). They do have a problem with recreational use. Most feel that terminally ill and those in some chronic pain, if a plant can help alleviate their symptoms let them grow it with their tomato plants. However, they do not want drug heads, dealers, and crime. Some believe you can't have one without the other, so just keep it illegal so you can punish those they don't want instead of creating a legal grey area. If you need the plant, you can get it in your own way or out of sight and out of mind.
But with new regulation for medical use and being able to see how it works and is implemented in other states I believe that they might be more open to it's use. Especially once the government recognizes it for its medical value and reschedules it.
Both TN and KS (some of the most conservative swing states) both have Medical Cannabis bills in office being discussed and tabled.
One of the many reasons I moved from NJ to TN in 2002 was to get away from the liberal North East and from a state that the democrats had bankrupted and run into the ground. While I knew I was moving into the bible belt, I didn't fully understand the significance of that. Around here you can't swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting a church. Most are either Baptist or Church of Christ, some are Pentacostal, but the majority are Baptist and Baptists don't drink alcohol. Personally I don't have a problem with that as I don't drink either. But these people hold tremendous sway and influence and are the reason that we still have dry counties and are behind in attitudes toward MMJ. That was highlighted a few years ago when a proposal was made for a state lottery. It was heavily opposed by religious groups and only passed after tight restrictions were placed on how the proceeds could be used. These attitudes are changing but slower than in other places. I find that in my area people are generally accepting of mj use. It's been going on for so long now that everyone knows someone who smokes and they have seen that it isn't the problem they have been lead to believe. Even the police, if they are open and honest, will tell you that they would rather deal with the pot smokers than the juicers or the crack/meth heads. The south will eventually get there, but most likely later rather than sooner.

Muddy you hit the nail on the head with this one. the churches down here are more abundant than the star bucks in NY. It is amazing how much pull that the Baptist and other religions here have. I too live in a county that was once dry but now wet under conditions. tell me how that happens? Then 5 miles down the road you have a completely dry county. I live on a lake here in the south and you have to be careful what side of it you are on as if you are on one side its dry and the other its wet. So you better not get caught in the dry section with a cooler of beer.

I think that the area that i am in sees Meth as the real issue, in which it should. They are so focused on attacking the epidemic of drain pipe cleaner smokers than they are the pot heads. Which is good but i still dont think that they would approve of a operation of any size. Most of the time around here if caught on person they take it and slap you on the wrists with a fine or just take it. but you catch the ones that have the he man hero cop attitude and want to throw you in the clink.
I lived in the north central part of the state. Used to go to L.B.I. sometimes but I wasn't much of a beach person. Always preferred the hills/mountains.

Muddy - what part of NJ? I spent a summer at L.B.I. Worked at an Italian restaurant/bar. My residence was full of stuff that 'fell off the back of a truck'... :lol:
I've read the TN bill that's now in committee. It's very restrictive, not near as bad as NJ but certainly nothing like CA or CO. Seems they bring it up every year but it never gets out of committee. But I guess even a restrictive law would be better than none.

Both TN and KS (some of the most conservative swing states) both have Medical Cannabis bills in office being discussed and tabled.
Seems to be a lot of auto growers from the east. Guess because you got to be sneaky sneaky.
A lot of people don't realize that the Jack Daniels Distillery is located in Lynchburg, Moore County, TN and Moore County is dry. How ironic?

Muddy you hit the nail on the head with this one. the churches down here are more abundant than the star bucks in NY. It is amazing how much pull that the Baptist and other religions here have. I too live in a county that was once dry but now wet under conditions. tell me how that happens? Then 5 miles down the road you have a completely dry county. I live on a lake here in the south and you have to be careful what side of it you are on as if you are on one side its dry and the other its wet. So you better not get caught in the dry section with a cooler of beer.