Live Stoner Chat Southern Mj laws??

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A lot of people don't realize that the Jack Daniels Distillery is located in Lynchburg, Moore County, TN and Moore County is dry. How ironic?

I know right, they only allow you to buy one "commemorative bottle" before you leave ha. I could never figure that one out, but the duck river that feeds the stills there is some damn good trout fishing.
Did I hear trout fishing? I am a trout fishing mo fo. Blunts and browns... Good times for sure. Got some prime trout fishing round here.
Did I hear trout fishing? I am a trout fishing mo fo. Blunts and browns... Good times for sure. Got some prime trout fishing round here.

sound like my kind of man there CDC. I love to trout fish its an addiction i have had since a child. I have my dad to tank for it!! and i thank him proudly.
Caught a few browns in my day, biggest was 22 1/2 in long and 4lb 11oz hanging on the wall to this day and the best part was i caught it on 4/20 LOL back in 2000 i got the state record certificate to prove it :thumbs:
the north georgia mountains has some great trout fishing, especially on the north fork of the chatuge river or near the little town of helen..mostly rainbow...small but really,really tasty. loved getting my feet wet in the ice cold water throwing flies or those tiny mepps spinners. ahhh the memories.
I got spoiled on fishing when I was living in Micronesia.
We would charter a boat & go deep-sea fishing.
Pulled in a tuna weighing in over 400lbs!!! It was longer than I was tall! And I ain't no shorty!
Almost had a gorgeous marlin one time but just as I was about to pull it in & whack it with the bat - it twisted it's body & 'sword', slicing the line - and took off swimming. Can't tell you how hard it was to hold back from just jumping in after it!!!

hell yeah bro! I got to go deep sea fishing 2-3 times back when I was about 13, and I've gotta say that pulling in a 5ft baracuda (which was bigger than me at that time) completely ruined pond/stream fishing for me for life.
Always go on a kayak trip on 4/20 or the closest available day. We go on a cold water tail race that is full of wild browns and rainbows. 10 pounders have been caught. Not by me yet. But I def give em he'll. Caught a 7 pound brown about 10 years ago. Usually get a 18 to 20" one everytime I go on that river. I like to grill fillets with a little emeril essence or equivalent. Really tasty.

If I ever go fishing with the budda man I will have to get something bigger then 2lb test for sure.
it goes back to the old 'blue laws' and laws enacted to curtail vice and promote religion.... no such thing as a 'dry county' here, well, we dont even have 'counties' here ;) , but in my parish, it's against the law to sell hard liquor or wine on sundays.... beer is okay with God though I suppose.

Im with you my friend i think we must be in tha same state because in my parish it deepends on wht part of town your in on weather or not you can buy alcohol on sunday or not and tht part of town is minority. Now as far as mary j goes i think tha south dosent want it legalised because the powers tht be make money from it being illegal than they ever would if it was legal. Think about this in most Southern states weed is still a felony no matter the amount wich means it's a forsure trip to jail if you get caught with it,it also means your gonna have to be bonded out and tied up in court for the next 2 months to 2 and a half years of your life if not lngr depending on wht part of tha south your in. Im from tha south and just recently moved back after being in Las Vegas,Nevada for tha last past 5 1/2 years wich is also a legal mmj city and state, and let me tell ya being back hear is gonna take some getting use to. Its a trip to come back home and find out most of my friends and family on probation for small marijuana related offences. And to make things worse most of the ppl in power are smkn,token,and growing their damn self!!!!! Down hear protect and serve means protect their pockets and serve themselves!
just wait for cali to get it completely legal and the rest of the states will crumble........... Statistics will show the real demon is not pot.
You know, we were just talking about this down at the laundro-mat/community center where all us from the Trailer Village congregate and discuss world events and share prospectives...

Alabama has an MMJ law that has cleared committee and will be voted on in the near future. The University of South Alabama was commissioned by one of the local newspapers to conduct a poll and 76% of Alabamians support the legalization of MMJ.

IMHO, one of the things that will help us is the generation, that never even tried it, is no longer a majority. I'm old, compared to most of you guys, I'm sure. I'm pretty sure I was among the first 6 - 12 people in my High School to smoke da herb. So, I'm proud to be among the first generation to question and take on the "man". As the group of people who actually know something about herb, from an experiential perspective, grows into a larger and larger majority... it will be easier to invoke changes in the prohibition of the ganja.

At least, that's our :2cents:.
OH! BTW, if they pass that thing in Alabama, I say we get together down at the redneck riviera and have a few with Jimmy Buffet's sister. She won't mind, she owns the place. :thumbs: