Mephisto Genetics Sour Stomper-Skyler White-Sour Crack

Next, her sister, number 2. I wasnt gonna document her, I couldn't be arsed taking photo's of 4 plant's, actually 5, with the experiment yoghurt pot crack. But she has had the same regime as number 1, same height as number 1, flowered the same day as number 1, but the flowers are very far behind. So I thought it would be interesting to see the differences.
Number 2

side flower, much smaller than number 1

top, again, thinner than number 1

a shot together. Here I think you can see, plant number 1 is left, number 2 is right, and depsite the height being the same, number 2 looks a lot thinner. But she definitely smell's more than number 1.
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Sour Stomper, day 35. Im now calling her Sour Doubly. She's given me a secondary shoot that voluntarily split, giving me 2 flowers, and another has given me a double header. So, my newly named Sour Doubly....


the double header

and the very helpfull branch, that split herself
Skyler White, day 35. Her flowers are shaping up to be beasts. Im disapointed I snapped her top early on, I think she could have gone on to be a big girl. Ive still got another 6 seeds in the fridge, so we will meet again.......
Defoliation due on the Sour Doubly (stomper) and possibly Skyler White.The Sour Cracks have had their fan leaves bent down, sort of super cropped, but still there. Ive decided to continue feeding Acti-Vera, it was free. According to the bumf, it has mag in it, so with the LED it can only help.
The soil is alive, spore's everywhere, some mornings, after a watering, the smart pot and soil look covered in a thin fog of spider webs, Ive never had plants this healthy.
Defoliation due on the Sour Doubly (stomper) and possibly Skyler White.The Sour Cracks have had their fan leaves bent down, sort of super cropped, but still there. Ive decided to continue feeding Acti-Vera, it was free. According to the bumf, it has mag in it, so with the LED it can only help.
The soil is alive, spore's everywhere, some mornings, after a watering, the smart pot and soil look covered in a thin fog of spider webs, Ive never had plants this healthy.

Nice plants m8... they look ready for a big feeding :smoking:
Nice plants m8... they look ready for a big feeding :smoking:
Cheers matey, and for the rep. :cheers:

the cracks got a feed last night, 3ml bloom, 1.5 fish mix, 3ml alg a mic, 2ml acti vera (all per liter) a 2 liter feed.
The Skyler White looked a little pale compared to the Stomper, I upped the fish mix to 2 ml, she's greened up again, itll get backed off over the next couple of weeks
Now this is my little treacle. Shes risen up another 7cm since friday, stands at 62cms high now. Ive never seen a bigger Sour Crack at this stage, if someone could chime in and tell me different, id love to see it

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Side flower

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the top

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Definitely taller than my 3 bro. All though my 30 day old girl in 5.5 gallon oxypot is sittin at about 18 inches, pretty sure your girl is atleast couple inches taller... have you noticed any N sensitivity with Sour Crack??? Ive never even attempted half strength with Grow nutes.. and since switching to AN sensi bloom only using one part of formula, part B. 2-4-8.. npk. Part A is 3-0-0. With added CaMg. So adding CaMg with nutes..
I've not noticed anything, she's responded really well. I kept to my usual regime, a few added extras this time, Acti vera, Alg a mic, but they've thrived.
But, saying that, unless i went mental, and fed half a bottle of fish mix, its hard to over feed the plants using Bio bIzz. So an N toxicity, would be hard to do.
Im backing off the fish mix now. Tomorrow, it'll only be 1ml per litre, and her leaves are still lush and green.
Day 33, Sour Crack 1. She's on her way, I think an early finish for this bird. She's racing away from her sister on a daily basis, but the sibling is speeding up.


side flower

top shot
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Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Throwing trichomes on the upper fan leaves, I wish I could get a pic that does it justice, a macro lens is on my to buy list.