Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack and a bubble bucket....go for hydro!


Just a dude who likes to grow
Mar 12, 2015
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So I am going to jump into something different for me and try a little hydro project. I have a 3.5 gallon bubble bucket set up. I will be using General Hydro's Flora line of nutes. I have a Sour Crack sprout already in the basket and at 5 days old she has a 10 inch tap root hanging into the water! Nothing much to see picture wise yet but will post some once things get rolling.This is my first work with hydro so wish me luck!
Nothing super exciting to report here yet. I did a rez change today and upped the feed to 350ppm. Ph is holding pretty steady at 5.8. The rez temp is 71F. I am finding that I need to make myself a little project so I think I will whip up a little 60w peltier chiller for the rez. I figure for about $30 I can make a little chiller with a digital thermostat that should be able to chill 3 gallons of water down to the 40's( not that I would need to ). So far the little girl is spending all of her energy grow a massive tap root. The thing has to be 18 inches long already. I think she is right on the edge of a big push in vegetative growth.
Here is the first picture of the little Sour Crack girl. She is 17 days old. I am using GH Flora Grow so far as well as Cal/Mag and GH Armor Si. She is doing well so far I think. I started with the Cal/Mag on day 12 when she started to show Cal deficiency on the second node fan leaves. With no further signs after I started her on the Cal/Mag.

I did a res. change today. Nutes are GH Flora Grow, Flora Micro, Armor Si and Cal/Mag. She is putting on a lot of growth every 24hrs so I upped to 750 ppm, Ph is 5.73. The branches coming off the lower nodes have really grown a lot since yesterday. She has made a massive change in root mass over the last 24hrs as well. This is my first hydro grow and I am very excited by the results so far.

I have received most of the parts to make a small peltier based res. chiller. With a little luck the rest of the parts with be here this week.

Looking good....and love your profile pic as usual..!! Tasty on both accounts
Looking good....and love your profile pic as usual..!! Tasty on both accounts

Thanks mate! My old profile pic was just one I grabbed off the net. This one is my lady friend I asked to help with a pic.
She is on day 21 now. I am amazed at the growth over the last couple of days. One thing I have noticed about all of my Mephisto grows has been how quick the lower branches push upward. This plant is no exception. Even the little branches off the lower branches are really taking off. On other plants I would trim these off to allow the plant to focus on higher up growth but I am going to leave these this time and let nature run it's course. I am keeping my rez at 750ppm this week. The tap root on this thing is's about 2 feet long! I realize it may be to early to say so but I will say so far this DWC hydro is pretty darn easy. If things keep on track I will start up a second bucket. I would really like to not have to buy another bag of soil.
Looking great dude, shes coming on really fast
Day23.....The growth is going like crazy. She is drinking about 1 liter of water a day. I also bumped her up to 850ppm last night. I am going to push her as hard as I can and see how much she can take. Roots are just going nuts. These HTG Bubble Boy net pots have a channel up the middle of the bottom of the pot. The tap root had come straight down through it and didn't need to fight it's way out the sides. As a result the tap root is now almost 3 feet long and fat like a horse tail! She has 3 or 4 lower branches that are as tall or taller than the main stem.

I have 1 smaller Deep Blue C and 1 other Sour Crack in soil. The DBC is 6 weeks in and the Sour Crack is just about 1 month old. Both are doing real well but I admit I am ready to get them finished and out of the cabinet so I can start another 3.5 gallon DWC bucket.

The lower branching is out of control! She is on Day25. I believe she is right of the edge of her big stretch. She gained nearly an inch since yesterday. Today she will get a rez. change ad I will up the nutes to 900ppm. She has a massive number of bud sites so far.
