The girls are in good form.

Auto Blueberry Day 32
NightQueenAuto Day53
PineappleExpress Day53


Moved them around a bit and elevated the Pineapple Express cause the Blueberry is really going for it!
Night Queen is putting the weight on, I have stopped the Green Sensation now on both NQ and PE. Also PE is supposed to be a 60 days I don't think it will be quiet ready, on the other hand NQ will finish around day 64 if all goes to plan. I will check the trichs on both tomoz and see if I can start the 10 day water only.

Pineapple Express Day53





Night Queen Auto Day53




Auto Blueberry Day32




Saying that this girl gone for a stretch would be an understatement, it's insane the top now sits at 20cm under the light.
I am hoping by leaving the light so close this girl pushes side branching up and restrain her main top. Might have to bend her not sure. Any suggestions ? Bloom shock ?

Next will be Girl Scout Cookie and Devil Cream!
I would supercrop that main stem a couple inches above the rest of the canopy if shes gettin too lanky. Im with you too i'd love to see anothet journal from dazed
I don't mate, just finishing up first run under the COB I built. Will do if and when I do another run, nice work those plants look fire.
Hand build COB sounds good mate how many watts you got in there ?
Be good watch let us know.
I would supercrop that main stem a couple inches above the rest of the canopy if shes gettin too lanky. Im with you too i'd love to see anothet journal from dazed
Supercrop eh?! Umm I might try you know thanks Sang mate I always thought the blueberry would be a difficult girl but she seems to be taking abuse without a flinch!
Super cropping is an option if the stem is still supple, could snap if not. Plants look great bro.
Super cropping is an option if the stem is still supple, could snap if not. Plants look great bro.

Thanks bro, left the light where it was and lightly crushed the stem at the border between supple and getting more rigid, side stem went up and main pretty much stopped.
Medium stress training I guess.. the abbreviation isn't great tho!