Indoor Sour 60 and Blue Streak seed run

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something I never thought of! run the low wattage fr a portion and high wattage for the oher part... great idea! :thumbs: looking forward to your grow!

I've wondered if 12hrs HID lighting, 12hrs lower wattage lighting would work. Have you harvested yet under this schedule? If so how was the yield & plant growth?

hate to highjack this thread now but this information might be valuable to the op also so i will.. out of the three females i have only been persistantly moving 1 unpollinated s60 in fear my pollinated bsxbs and s60xbs would share with my trees that are 4 weeks in. after a week the results were clear and decided to put all 3 of the fems in the HPS room during 'daytime' - the unpollinated female is nearly twice as tall as the other two and during quite nicely (day 35~)

i will get a thread started sometime this week

hey portmac, those are about 1gal pots right? what are your thoughts on the size, im using 1gal also but am inclined to think i could get away with 1/2's
The soil pots are half gallon (2 Litre) and the DWC is 1 gallon (4 Litre).

The weather here has decided to conspire against me and get hot again, this is now about to cause a problem with the DWC....res temps are sitting at 29c (82F) and that is way to high.
Somehow I need to lower it to 21c but I currently have no way of doing that, I had a feeling I should have waited another couple of weeks before firing up the DWC.

I may have to take them out of the DWC and put them into soil........
or you can set your tote inside of a bigger tote then fill the space between with ice,change it when it gets warm,that way you wont shoch your roots. imo
better idea! :thumbs: I'm too used to soil... in soil it melts down in... if you have covers on your buckets you can lay it on there and let it drip into the res below... good call roadside!
I have only two options.
1: get a chiller
2: transplant to soil

Option 1 is just not going to happen so that leaves option 2.....
I know about the frozen bottles and ice cubes etc and that is something I am not willing to do again, been there done that.
We have had some of the strangest weather in the last 12 months and I think the planet is about to shit itself!
We have had some of the strangest weather in the last 12 months and I think the planet is about to shit itself!

past couple years even... hope not... thatd be a shitty deal for us.. lol
soil trans should be ok... spread roots as best as possible and keep pretty wet for first day or 2 in the soil... hit it with some micro fungi (root drench or something )if ya can itll help establish roots.
Spastic weather, goes from 30+c yesterday to 15c today.....
The weather here is harder to pick than a broken nose!!!

Anyhow its 24 hours since the transplant and all four plants are still living, the only one I really care about is the weird S60 (bottom left in pic)

Forgot to add:

Another 48w of CFL's was added yesterday, bring the total to 192w of 2700k CFL's (8 x 24w)