Some help please (pics)

I'll take a pic and upload it to show you tonight. But I have a sour diesel photo in my other tent that may just be the worst looking plant I have ever grown. It's only about 3 weeks old but looks horrible. I have tried everything I can think of. But theres no way in hell I'm giving up.
whitetrash is giving you a lot of good advice and is giving his time of his day to do so just listen up and take notes and apply them good ideas
Shoot you were able to keep a plant alive now you just have to work on keeping it healthy while it’s alive. You got this man!
You know what might help you keep a personal journal and whrite down everything you do so you have a reference point on where things whent wrong , you move the light further away write it down you give nutes write it down trust me it helps
You know what might help you keep a personal journal and whrite down everything you do so you have a reference point on where things whent wrong , you move the light further away write it down you give nutes write it down trust me it helps
I agree 100%. I keep saying that I'm gona start one but havnt yet. But I am going to. That way everything you do is documented. And you have reference points on when things changed weather bad or good. And you can adjust your growing regiment accordingly. Just remember . Like everything else practice makes perfect. Dont let it stress you out. I will be happy to answer any questions you have if within my knowledge.
I have a 60*60*160 tent basically what happened was I planted the two seeds on the same day and the other 1 is mid flowering and the other has done nothing but grow veg
They were both the same seeds
So I put the lights under 12/12 for 4 days and nothing happened but I don't mind tbh because it was getting abit cramped in the tent so now I'll just dump it and give space to other plants and maybe start a few seedlings

I didn't relaside you could overfeed plants using organic biobizz I just add a drop of calmag to it
It would take longer then 4 days of 12 12 to get a plant to start to flower usually takes couple weeks for them thi switch
Sorry to hear bout the poor weather deal. Dont switch your lights to 12-12 till the other one is harvested. It will have a negative impact on your yield . Cold lose 10-15%. My suggestion is to leave everything as is for now. Like I said its likely just a different phenotype. My GSC are doing the same thing 2 of them were almost 4 weeks into flower before the other one started flower. Each strain have a " common " life cycle so essentially the company will advertise the most common life cycle. But some could take less time Nd others may go a month or over. My GSC are advertised as 65-75 day strains . I'm over 100 days now and 2 are just ready to be chopped this week. The other I would say has at least 3 weeks to go. So I assume your going through the same thing. I suggest you leave it. But I am also new to autos. It's like the army. No man left behind lol. I think you'll be very happy if you dont give up on her. What do ya have to lose. If when your other one is ready for harvest this one still isint flowering. Then you can switch to 12-12. And really all that means is you'll get a better harvest from it due to it's longer time in veg

Yea yo know what your right guys I'm just gonna leave it in the tent and wait and see if she flowers by the time the other one is ready for harvest. Thank you for the information and saving me from binning it
I agree 100%. I keep saying that I'm gona start one but havnt yet. But I am going to. That way everything you do is documented. And you have reference points on when things changed weather bad or good. And you can adjust your growing regiment accordingly. Just remember . Like everything else practice makes perfect. Dont let it stress you out. I will be happy to answer any questions you have if within my knowledge.

A journal does sound like a good idea. I think been eager I just rushed into it been as new grower but I want to make up a daily chart I can fill in for each plant and take pictures along the way for reference ")_
My pleasure man. I'm happy to help. The way s see it is that it's highly unlikely that your plant wont flower. And 8 do mean highly unlikely. So its either just takin its sweet ass time. Or the pheno is full of photo genetics. Wich means shell be happy to veg until you turn your lights to 12-12. I'll post a pic of my sick as hell sour diesel tonight just so you can see how stubborn I am about makin it work but make sure you keep us updated as the weeks go on.
I will try and keep updated as possible I just need to make sure from now on I know where the seeds are coming from to get the best possible genetics
Yea a wee photo would be nice to see thanks dude