Some help please (pics)

they don't look so good over feeding or under

And I guess there is Noway to tell the difference. Can u overfed with biobizz I thought because it was orgainic you could jot overfeed I use like a little calmag
damn rest in peace poor plant
damn rest in peace poor plant

If she dies she dies its getting fed the leftover mutes from other plants so I just leave her to do her thing if anything comes off the plant which is smokable it will be a success to me as its all about learning at this stage for me
Well dont give up on it just yet. One of my tents has the 3 Girscout cookies. 2 of em are getting chopped this week. But the other one is a solid 3-4 weeks behind. Same strain just a different phenotype. I would let yours do its thing for a bit longer. So you have a 2ft x 2ft . You can get away with 2 flowering autos in there. Are you able to put one outside? If so instead of getting rid of the one that's not flowering try it outside for a bit. Give it some 3 low stress training. I think itll work out for ya. If not let it veg outside till you harvest the other one then throw it back in the tent and swap the light cycle.
Ohh and i forgot overfeeding isnt just nutrients it's also the water itself. If you using plastic pots itll take longer to drink up the water. In addition to that. I was having drooping problems with one of my GSC and it turned out that the problem was actually that it wasnt getting wattered enough.
I'm in the UK man so not a hope of it growing outside the rain would probably drowned it ffs lol. Its became really really bushy I'll see if I can keep it for another week in the tent 12/12

So tell me this if I planted two seeds which say are meant to be ready for harvest in 9 weeks or so if one of them vegs for say a month and starts to flower and the other doesn't start to flower until like week 7 . what happens does it flower for 2 weeks or will it flower for the length of time it was meant to like 4+weeks
Dude don’t give up for 1 it takes longer on 12/12 than 4 days give it two weeks at least to see what happens not to mention get your selfie a tds meter so you can properly feed your plants
We are just trying to help you cause things don’t look so good and remember even the best grower in the world is gonna make mistakes and have things happen that might stump them so think of this as practice. Your still gonna have a harvest for now as well
And don’t go by a time line on when there done go by how they look check the trichomes of the entire plant with a scoop or jewelers loop. And remember don’t give up if you do you will never know what your skills could become
Sorry to hear bout the poor weather deal. Dont switch your lights to 12-12 till the other one is harvested. It will have a negative impact on your yield . Cold lose 10-15%. My suggestion is to leave everything as is for now. Like I said its likely just a different phenotype. My GSC are doing the same thing 2 of them were almost 4 weeks into flower before the other one started flower. Each strain have a " common " life cycle so essentially the company will advertise the most common life cycle. But some could take less time Nd others may go a month or over. My GSC are advertised as 65-75 day strains . I'm over 100 days now and 2 are just ready to be chopped this week. The other I would say has at least 3 weeks to go. So I assume your going through the same thing. I suggest you leave it. But I am also new to autos. It's like the army. No man left behind lol. I think you'll be very happy if you dont give up on her. What do ya have to lose. If when your other one is ready for harvest this one still isint flowering. Then you can switch to 12-12. And really all that means is you'll get a better harvest from it due to it's longer time in veg