Indoor So Many HERMIES!!!

Day 67

@420autoflower The plants look good. Have any of them hermied? If not I suspect that it was Rodelization. You did state that the plants grew past harvest time. Rodelization is more a survival technique than a genetic tendancy to be male.
Looking good! I ran through 20 of the ILGM WW, phenos were all over, but it was generally a nice smoke. No herms fortunately, and I pulled about 650g from one of them and tortured a few others that still yielded well.
Thank you!
650 grams from an auto is incredible. Must have been a monster plant.
So far I’ve had good luck with the ILGM autos except for the handful of seeds I got from the last OG Kush grow. Great smoke and decent yields but you’re right about the phenos.