Lighting So it begins, the DIY COB addiction

I take it your skunks eventually started to stink and get their funk on ,im just finishing of another 2 at the mo ,got about another 2 weeks to go and this time its me who hasnt got a stink on yet,weird as all my seeds came from the same place and no 2 plants have ever looked the same ,last time my cupboard stank to high heaven from about day 30,suppose its just the genetics coming all smokes good and thats all that matters [emoji111]

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All three of these skunks look a bit different, the biggest really has hardly no smell at all, the other two have a light skunk smell. Hopefully the cure will bring out those terpenes I'm wanting.
I was just considering adding uv to my cobs as well. Check this out, seems like thoroughly researched equipment, lots of cool info too

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Nice find! Thanks for the link :thanks: I'll use these when I make UVB permanent on the fixture.
Day 34
Under 300 watts of 1818's in a 4 x 4
Left to Right GGG4, Creme de la Chem and the Yeti og's

Yeti Og's


Creme de la Chem's



Very very nice build up man! :slap:

I also thought about adding UVB to a COB light. Then i came accros IR, then maybe more reds, then some blues came in my mind and finally some UVA to make it complete haha.

I ended building my spaceship and ordered a UVB tube that also needs to be fixxed.
The problem i came acrros seems the same you are facing atm. "where the fck do i put the fixture for that tube without creating a shadow?".
In my build i got a similar setup in terms of COB position. I got 5, 4 in the corner like u and one in the middle .
The only solution i found was getting 2 of them and placing them paralell in the middle with the center COB between them like this:
View attachment 782494
Are you finding IR helping the plants in some way?
All three of these skunks look a bit different, the biggest really has hardly no smell at all, the other two have a light skunk smell. Hopefully the cure will bring out those terpenes I'm wanting.
I am on the last of 10 beans and no 2 plants have evr smelled the same ,one produced 4 oz of hay bummer and my last one still has no smell but huge fat buds,fingers crossed its just as strong as the rest ive had [emoji111]

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Are you finding IR helping the plants in some way?

The story how i came to the idea of implementing IR to my lamp was that i read from a guy who did some testings.
After some time he changed the light cycles for IR to be completely different than the normal lights.
He ended up using IR only in bloom and only in "night-times".
The result was for photoperiod's that he shortened the needed bloom time for about 2 weeks without losing yield/weight or quality.

Sadly i had no possibility to test my spaceship since it is finished but now comes the plottwist about this haha.
Since this outdoor season was the worst shit ever the canna-god could have thrown on @TheMongol , he decided to infuse himself with some "good-vibe-juice" and starts an indoor grow.
My spaceship is going to be moved today to his location and when it is done and everything works then maybe this is going to be the first testrun. ( Pics are going to come :D )

So to finish the question:
I am honest here, i dont know which effect it would have on automatics. If there will be any effect at all? i dont know but i will guess.
Can it harm? well IR is mostly heatwaves, not very intense from monos but it makes a difference. As long as your room can handle the extra heat i dont see any problem. ( If u run them at night your normal lights are out so the heat isnt a problem as long as ur vents dont dimm down at night haha )
Does it help? If there will be any positive effect on automatics then we should find out. My guess is, that the extra heat at night lets the plants increase their transpiration ( water and nute's uptake ) and maybe this leads to the same effect like on the photos?! dunno what to expect on autos. ( maybe less effect BC it is max 6 hours night for them their whole life?! )
The story how i came to the idea of implementing IR to my lamp was that i read from a guy who did some testings.
After some time he changed the light cycles for IR to be completely different than the normal lights.
He ended up using IR only in bloom and only in "night-times".
The result was for photoperiod's that he shortened the needed bloom time for about 2 weeks without losing yield/weight or quality.

Sadly i had no possibility to test my spaceship since it is finished but now comes the plottwist about this haha.
Since this outdoor season was the worst shit ever the canna-god could have thrown on @TheMongol , he decided to infuse himself with some "good-vibe-juice" and starts an indoor grow.
My spaceship is going to be moved today to his location and when it is done and everything works then maybe this is going to be the first testrun. ( Pics are going to come :D )

So to finish the question:
I am honest here, i dont know which effect it would have on automatics. If there will be any effect at all? i dont know but i will guess.
Can it harm? well IR is mostly heatwaves, not very intense from monos but it makes a difference. As long as your room can handle the extra heat i dont see any problem. ( If u run them at night your normal lights are out so the heat isnt a problem as long as ur vents dont dimm down at night haha )
Does it help? If there will be any positive effect on automatics then we should find out. My guess is, that the extra heat at night lets the plants increase their transpiration ( water and nute's uptake ) and maybe this leads to the same effect like on the photos?! dunno what to expect on autos. ( maybe less effect BC it is max 6 hours night for them their whole life?! )
Check...and it will hanging right here...


directly in the neighbourhood of my P 600...

Maximum Power for this grow with German SuperFood in the bags on the ground prepared last week and some nice filled glasses to cure the outdoor harvest, hehe...
Are we talking far red or infra red. Don't have the wavelengths off the top of my head but the far red decreases the amount of time the plants use to transition to night dramatically. From two hours to like ten minutes. That's how you get more daylight time into your grow. Instead of 12/12 you can do 10/14. Well that is the theory anyways. I have yet to build my far red light bar but looking at trying it fo my nest flower.
Are we talking far red or infra red. Don't have the wavelengths off the top of my head but the far red decreases the amount of time the plants use to transition to night dramatically. From two hours to like ten minutes. That's how you get more daylight time into your grow. Instead of 12/12 you can do 10/14. Well that is the theory anyways. I have yet to build my far red light bar but looking at trying it fo my nest flower.

with IR i mean infra red ( starting at about 740 nm up to 800 nm)
with IR i mean infra red ( starting at about 740 nm up to 800 nm)
And Far Red being between 710 and 850 as I have it in my notes. I wonder if we aren't chasing the same or similar...