Outdoor Snow Storm #2 - Outdoor Grow - Dutch Passion Free Seeds competition



I was one of the lucky few to get free seeds for the dutch passion photo competition here on afn. Hope I do them and their genetics justice.

Big thanks for the seeds!

I wanted to try out Snow Storm #2 because I always liked Orange Bud (a skunk phenotype) and the orange/citrus flavor you get with a nice cure and the uplifting, active mental stone you got from it. As I understand it Snow Storm #2 is kind of the Autoflowering version. Hope she lives up to the classic!

I germed 3 seeds two days ago. For the moment one has sprouted and was transplanted.



The seedlings will go to their Outdoor location in about 2-3 weeks. The site is already prepared with a nice compost enriched soil.

Any advice is as always welcome feel free to chime in.
Big fan of DPs outdoor strains (so are my local insects !)
Interesting to see how this new strain gets on - just one question though - what latitude is Dreamlands on ?
Good luck with the fresian dew

One of mine has been completely eaten ! but the other is flowering already ?
Thanks! Could be a preflowering but I can not really decide as the picture is a little fuzzy. Has she been stressed by Insects (or other factors) as well?

All the SnowStorm #2 seeds have germed and are transplanted to the pots right now.
Of the three seeds one is fully established and healthy:


one is starting to peek out of the soil:


and the last one is a little bit late to the party and has not been seen as of yet.

The last seed died in the soil without ever seeing the light. I think it is because the soil was a little over watered on this one. The tip root was all brown.

The other two are fine. The sun has not shown her face here for a while so they are kind of "thin and tall" at the moment. This isnt that bad for me as I can bury the main root a little deeper so they will not dry out that easily and the part of the stem which will be underground will establish roots as well in a month or so.


Both of them are doing well despite the low light conditions. One is slightly bigger:


the the other one got "attacked" by a pigeon who tried to enter the room. Anyone advice on how to get rid of pigeons (or just keep them away)? I hate these "rats of the sky"...


I decided to change plans and these two will go on a south facing balcony instead off in the woods. That way I can check up on them more often.
The two are the healthiest out of all plants on the windowsill. Bigger than the Autoblueberry at their side they seem to be very straightforward.


Next week they will be re-potted in and put on the balcony.
A little update on the two. They will not have a place on the balcony as there will be work done on the facade :(. However I have a nice place for them in woods and we will see how they do there.

CIMG2828.jpg CIMG2827.jpg

Nice and healthy for the moment they are just right to transplant outdoors.:smoke: