Indoor Sniper visits Melmac

NATO.... drop her in the sand and she wont sing anymore.
Thats what my grandfather used to say about Nato weapons, haha
He taught me which guns are used by nato..... the plastic ones, hahahha
Go ahead make my day.....


This is about pot right?

:brow: nammys Horney :crying: You keep this up, and Sniper will have a mushroom cloud where his head(s) once was!!
:D: Nika- you have me at a disadvantage, Miss...
как дела?
"what's up?"..."how's it going?"..."how are you?" LOL! All's well enough with me, thanks!... just checkin' in on my Homie Sniper,... :pimp: As you see, he's got some fine goods cookin'....! :thumbs: And, as you also see, you've cued up the Chicks and Guns theme...:roflcry:...never gets old around here,... :tiphat:
(...Pardon the split post.. :Stones slap:)... ****** GoAuto6 --(sperm comic) :crying: ...what a find!!... thanks for that...
:yoinks: Gahh! Gut shots, pun intended, it's one reason why I don't have interest in hunting! Animal-strength adrenalin surges strong enough power already dead creatures sufficiently to try and take a piece of ya before they ghost-out is another!! Only once have I had a deer turn on me; a nice size buck got trapped between the nursery and a residence,... I was trying to force it down a narrow pathway and through a gate to freedom, which he didn't see right away, and so when I got to within 10 yds or so of him, he whipped around, dropped and leveled his rack and gave a spooky-fast false rush at me! :beast:LOL!!- shitfuckpiss!! I back up a few steps, and by sheer luck a rake was right there leaning on the fence, so wielded it like a make-shift pike while edging back... When he saw I wasn't pursuing he turned and scooted out the gate! *whew* LOL! I know how powerful they are, and had no interest in becoming a sheeshka-dude!... damn hooved rats that they are,....:cuss: !!!:Stones slap:!!! Where's the barfing icon when you need it!?...a shovel, really?? :roflcry: ...gruesome...
<-- :hump: :pimp: :hump: Daa,... he's got more than a passing familiarity I'll just bet!! :smoke:

Nika} Hi again! ... great footage of this lovely stunt pilot!... truly better to be the pilot than a passenger,... I'd literally turn myself inside-out if I was in the cab'! :no: :WTF: <--- (Astro, you slay me!) :roflcry: .... trust me, he's studied this closely for years!!

Brother Yoda} very well put sir!! :High 5: Bully! bully!

Sniper! :jaw:*clank!* No shit about the Monday blow-away porn! ..Off da Hizzle dewd! :hot: oooffh!! Those colas came outta nowhere... :Coolio: Tell me, do they both grunt and squeal with delight when you feed them?! LMAO!! Yeah, spreaders,..mandatory! :D:..... BR is just ridiculous from last time I saw her,...:wiz: ...You should get a spokesman position from Grow-More for these kind of results! Tits job Sniper!!

seriously used a shovel :D: now days i just put it right in the neck the flop right there

thanks for the praise but i want the buds to be as wide as the fans then id be happy as a pig in shit but i think there's some thing to these airpots

@Nika hope ya get your heat back soon :smokebuds: