(...Pardon the split post.. :Stones slap

... ******
GoAuto6 --(sperm comic)

...what a find!!... thanks for that...

Gahh! Gut shots,...no pun intended, it's one reason why I don't have interest in hunting! Animal-strength adrenalin surges strong enough power already dead creatures sufficiently to try and take a piece of ya before they ghost-out is another!! Only once have I had a deer turn on me; a nice size buck got trapped between the nursery and a residence,... I was trying to force it down a narrow pathway and through a gate to freedom, which he didn't see right away, and so when I got to within 10 yds or so of him, he whipped around, dropped and leveled his rack and gave a spooky-fast false rush at me! :beast:LOL!!- shitfuckpiss!! I back up a few steps, and by sheer luck a rake was right there leaning on the fence, so wielded it like a make-shift pike while edging back... When he saw I wasn't pursuing he turned and scooted out the gate! *whew* LOL! I know how powerful they are, and had no interest in becoming a sheeshka-dude!... damn hooved rats that they are,....
three 130grain 270 win rounds all in the stomach i opened it up liquid got a shovel and dug it out
!!!:Stones slap:!!! Where's the barfing icon when you need it!?...a shovel, really?? :roflcry: ...gruesome...
... i think ya might have to fight astro for them cause i know he fell for some Russian ladys in fur coats

Daa,... he's got more than a passing familiarity I'll just bet!! :smoke:
Nika} Hi again! ... great footage of this lovely stunt pilot!... truly better to be the pilot than a passenger,... I'd literally turn myself inside-out if I was in the cab'! :no:
nika, she dont look as good in a flight suit, as nadia in her outfit!
(Astro, you slay me!) :roflcry: .... trust me, he's studied this closely for years!!
Brother Yoda} very well put sir!! :High 5: Bully! bully!
Sniper! :jaw:*clank!* No shit about the Monday blow-away porn! ..Off da Hizzle dewd! :hot: oooffh!! Those colas came outta nowhere... :Coolio: Tell me, do they both grunt and squeal with delight when you feed them?! LMAO!! Yeah, spreaders,..mandatory!

:..... BR is just
ridiculous from last time I saw her,...

...You should get a spokesman position from Grow-More for these kind of results! Tits job Sniper!!