....(okay, try again! something waaay buggy going on with the server again; lost a few posts to "page can't be displayed" BS,... :no: )
dude i wasn't expecting them to be this big or to drink a gallon of flower juice in 3 days Im gonna have to learn a rain dance to keep them hydrated
<-- Aaah, g'on!! They way they've been porking out on your feed regiment,... :Stones slap: LMAO!! *** Cats know a softie when they see one, my friend! I'm sure your girl has spead the word around the 'hood about you....

: My brother and his family are the same way; the house they bought a while back came pre-equipped with 2 'garage' cats, and were turned into lap magnets in short order; since then , 2 other over the years have adopted
them, and the last one, a kitten then, he found at a Hampton Inn dumpster, out of town,... guess who he came home with!! LOL!

-holding out on the porn for maximum effect, ay? A little chill is just what they need to remind them what time it is!... Wow! 2 months already?!

... well, they'll make good use of the extra veg-feed I'm sure,... more for you later!.....
thanks deer season giving
<-- official sniper Holiday? :brow: -does this mean the wild Turkeys are safe? *** Yeah, good call on quizzing the Sweet guys on this,... SwSp showed a willingness to branch pretty well, not with me per se, but flowering started before they could build the branches up better,... MR I got nuthin',... too bad, because it's an sounds like a great strain!,... GP is a head scratcher; Kudo has the same F1 Fast GP I do, and we're opposite in builds!! But you've seen mine, and how fast she is,... and the aromatics are amazing, and interesting... Rebel got fruit punch (?) off his,... mine is getting a distinct unique lime smell, like kaffir lime, if you're familiar... The AlF's sound enticing too, bro',...a classic aroma!