Indoor Sniper visits Melmac

thats awesome your back on your feet bud just start the 16-16-16 at 1/4 tsp about 2 weeks in then i bump it up a 1/4 tsp each feed till i hit 1 tsp per gallon and they should be good :thumbs:

swampy i bought them just after they pop'd up at herbies maybe we had different batches. both frost are girls hot damn if i tried just pop'n 2 id have 2 males :D: with my track record

the ALF'S are already frosting up on the leafs they smell like the jem i grew that tasted like hash and the prego Russian is hard at work making babies calyxes are swelling up with seeds
Nicely done ..Originally there was 4 but thet woulda.been too Much ..

When I grow Magic Dragons i have Like 12 seeds then Im fnally gonna.try a larger Multipot ..

The Alfs look stellar bro
:Coolio: Fork a duck, Sniper! You got primates swingin' in that canopy yet?! -Better keep the blowgun and karari darts on hand! Their bulk is getting impressive, bro',...the top view really shows this well... I was also scoping out those fat center stem-beams...:Stones slap: I think the girls are planning on a heavy load-up soon! ...Dig all the little white Pom-poms starting to peek out...:brow: Giggady! *** LOL!- so, the SC mother is now turning into cat food!... I'll bet she's happy about that! ...BR is shaping up nicely too..That Swampy takin' a shine to her...! :Foxy: *** Hey, where's brother Astro's fav', Russian preggo' porn!? :roflcry: *** I'm glad you found a nice little surprise stash Sniper... I had my first taste of SwSp tonight,...Excellent!! A good pinch yields a familiar sweet spicy hashy aroma, with a background fruit smell that's hard to pick out over the rest... It's just fully dried and maybe 2-3 days in-jar, but the buzz feels pretty balanced, with some head-woozy cross-eyes for a few minutes, no burn-out... I thought it'd be much more body heavy, but,... we'll see what changes a month brings.. potency is top shelf! Very smooth smoke too,... I think she might be a good 'afternoon' fit for you,... :thumbs:
dude i wasn't expecting them to be this big or to drink a gallon of flower juice in 3 days Im gonna have to learn a rain dance to keep them hydrated :rofl:
yeah the sc is slowly being turned into kitty salad but i may have created a monster cause she starts meowing when i open the tent :D:
as for the br swampy grew some when he first came to AFN so he knows how they smell and taste :D:
ya got me on the Russian i forgot to get a pic cause i had to feed the hay burner :WTF: then got to playing with the outdoor kittys that used to be wild ill get a pic of prego in a day or 2 when i can get a natural light pic without a flash cause she just looks blurry with a flash from her fur coat
Looking good brother, nice and lush.

Another fan of the walking dead? Love it, this season looks promising.
thanks jackal this season is looking to heat up early :smokebuds:
that reminds me you should check out the walking dead survival instinct game its pretty good :thumbs:
Yeah I heard on the talking dead show, each episode is gonna be on a incline in action. Thanks I'll check it out, I remember it now from last season.
yeah its kinda Daryl's back story
Cool, my favorite character the badass redneck.
girls are looking healthy as hell bro! that seagrow is still kicking ass for ya! awesome! late as usual.
. subbed up now!