Indoor Sniper visits Melmac

those are mean looking swampy here's what i carry


its a buck zipper with a rosewood handle and its been through so many deer i lost count :D:
Njce bro theres tons man Give it a look theres a 3000 piece mixandMatch...andthey have old horn antler knives too ...Antiques type shit ...
Me.i like Assault ....its about to get deep bro u sighted in or what !!!!
griever Im not sure how old these beans are i just received them little over a month ago and pop'd 10 in the bucket ya say they got a hashy flavor huh haven't had a hashy tasting bud for awhile i was guessing they were gonna be lemon cause i see alot of the black dragon in the leaf the bd i grew out was super lemony

yeah a tad citrusy :) i know bailer rerun alf#3 awhile back but they got contaminated so dunno but wiz rerun them i wonder if there the same as my old alf#3s youll get either limey colouerd leafs with purple as buds or chunky darkerleaf with purple redy buds with hashy smell ill be watching :) i got 3 regs left would make a sweet cross iv never made a strain before but if i do alf#3 would be in it :)
you ain't kidding bro glad i just picked up a couple boxes of ammo for my loud stick gonna start bedding the action tomorrow the the scope base and free float the barrel and sight her in and see just how tight her holes are after :D:

i perfer bullets if i gotta be quiet then ill just have to make another silencer made a wicked one back in high school for a buddys ruger mk2 bull barrel pistol a fart was louderthan that gun when i was done with it but if i gotta go with a blade Im going machete or katana lol but Im planning on getting me a silencer for a 308 and the rifle to put it on this coming year gotta love livin in a class 3 legal state now if only we had legal buds then it'd be bliss :D:
they came from wiz lol and if you look back at the first post griever you'll see these little gals are the auto that got me lookin at autos and led me here :D:
griever Im not sure how old these beans are i just received them little over a month ago and pop'd 10 in the bucket ya say they got a hashy flavor huh haven't had a hashy tasting bud for awhile i was guessing they were gonna be lemon cause i see alot of the black dragon in the leaf the bd i grew out was super lemony
Yea my BD was like lemon peppery lol:stylez rasta smoke:
here's the stalk on one of the ALF'S they're all the same thickness

here's the Russian dragon lady starting to put on her fur coat


i rubbed her trichs and my fingers smelled super lemony she's a short jem pheno and pollen is fallin so she will get knocked up very soon

and the berry ryder in a 2.2 gallon airpot i looked under the pot and can see the roots poking out



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Awesome bro I cant Wait to see ur Berry Ryder again....think i would do that again
i cant wait to taste it again wonder if this one will have the poopy diaper smelling stalk :crying: