That is an impressive sight, Sniper!!
Look at the size of the leaves already!...great branching, rich color,... Beautiful job, brother! :High 5: ...you got the nute' Ju-Ju going on big-time,...

....Yeah, trunk pics! Do you plan to do some sort of LST to spread the tops out some, to get that full hedge look? I really like how this multi-pot thing is shaping up, and would really like to try it sometime...I know where to go for how-to! *** Sniper, how often do you fert'? Once a week, more or less, depending on looks? ...they get their first Bloom nute' taste soon, right? The build of them says bushy,... will that hold, or do ALF's stretch up a lot? *** :High 5

n the SCrm. clone, without hormones!! ....... PM comin' at ya,...