Smokin' Screws Smokin' Screws - AFN Communal Summer 2018 Test Thread

man the smoking screw has really kept my pipe clean over the past week I clean my smoking screw every few days just blast it with my torch real quick

p.s. how do you store your smoking screw i just put mine back in its bag if i can remember to do it


This thing definitely gets the job done way better than any regular screen I’ve seen. Smoother draw for sure. All I can recommend is a deeper screen i hit huge bowls.


You save medicine, while also keeping your favourite piece cleaner. Cleaning the screw is easy, a tiny amount of isopropyl alcohol in a shot glass does the trick. I’m a fan of this screen and I never use them ... such a simple yet effective design. I’ll be ordering more to keep in rotation.


@Son of Hobbes thank you for letting me be a tester and @Rebel for your recommendation, & of course Ace for joining AFN and allowing us all to test his product.
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Insert Emoji thumbie thingie - and some other good emoji thingies here!

Yay or nay? Way Yay!!!…………I’m loving it and I will be getting some more. Took it to my local head shop they loved it too.

I received my package around the same time as everybody else. Upon opening as you can tell by picture their packaging got smooshed...Handle was bent but I looked at it like it would be just a simple easy bend back into place.... “In all honesty at first look of course I was like ha ha...Who gave a tweaker a roll of wire and some needle nose pliers”....but wire was resilient and had to get some ...” needle nose” to bend into place. It must’ve gotten a good smashing for it to bend the wire.......Because it does not bend easily ...and of course I had to pull it back to see how far I can stretch it ( did anybody else do that?) and it continually goes back right into place.

Once bent into the shape I liked it was a go.......I’m a simple pipe and paper guy so I went out and bought a new glass pipe and of course the most expensive graffix bong you get ever get. I put it through the paces with oil, Kief , hash and flower.

When cleaned and put into a new glass piece that is clean I really was not feeling it as every bowl that I loaded wanted to spring break back up but that all stopped once I got a little bit of resination on it and when you push down it would stick and then I found my niche.——Mostly on the Cone bowl and not the round bottom bowls is where I had this problem .

The easy in and out ...I loved it......You put it on top of the bowl and it looks like it doesn’t fit you push down a little and rotate counterclockwise and it screws itself in..same thing to get it out.

“Remember having to try to clean the screen”

Loved pulling it out grabbing at the end and flicking ashes at my friends


Update. No matter how caked with soot and ash, the unique design stays open.

to clean I just give a little stretch to break up the caked ash then give it a shot from a can of aerosol solvent. I then burn it off and give it a good soak in soapy water.

No signs of pitting, rust, wear, or deformity.
He said he's got a whole bunch of new sizes he's working on too, ones for chillums, smaller glass spoons, and even one for the genius pipe (thinking a genius stone replacement, I can visualize it a bit but still trying to wrap my head around how it would stay in place.)
So far I've loved the ease of use with the Smokin Screw I didn't bend the handle so I was able to switch from my Monsoon pipe and bong bowl. The bad part is after I torch cleaned it I had left it in the glass ashtray outside on the deck and the storm rolled in. I have no clue where it went after the storm as I can't find it in the cracks of the deck. But I will be ordering myself a 5 pack to replace it as I miss it. Heck of a small genius invention that I wish I had thought up.
So far I've loved the ease of use with the Smokin Screw I didn't bend the handle so I was able to switch from my Monsoon pipe and bong bowl. The bad part is after I torch cleaned it I had left it in the glass ashtray outside on the deck and the storm rolled in. I have no clue where it went after the storm as I can't find it in the cracks of the deck. But I will be ordering myself a 5 pack to replace it as I miss it. Heck of a small genius invention that I wish I had thought up.
Sorry to hear that, I can sympathize having lost one myself. I don’t want to use my bongs without one now. The 5 pack is handy.
This is certainly one of those why didn’t I think of it moments.