Smokin' Screws Smokin' Screws - AFN Communal Summer 2018 Test Thread

After a week of use, I'm even more impressed. It is tough and with reasonable care, should last a very long time.


Just cleaned mine in some ISO yesterday; my bong is ridiculous cleaner than had I not been using this. I should run a side by side, smoke a few grams out of it clean with the screw, smoke a few grams clean without the screw, and take pictures of each result after the flower is gone.
:d5: I'ma go for that too 3-W's! got some peeps that would really love them,...:thumbsup:
That metal is still amazing me,... even the heat blasting to glowing red won't screw with the tempering (so far),...
I liked them enough to invest in a few more. Bought that package deal, 5 for $20.00.

I just went to order a pack and talk about making a fellow feel welcome. I felt like a bit of a hick with my old cob pipe in with all the beautiful, contemporary glass until I looked at their main picture.:rofl:
Received mine yesterday..I'll be taking a few shots and reporting on it as soon as I clean a glass piece thoroughly and have some sunlight..My brother gave it a run and said it is easier than screens especially with the little handle,easy to clean with some iso ( don't have to use it,the screw is easy to clean, just a habit), and it pulls differently ( in a good way ) when taking a hit..More to follow, thanks guys for the opportunity to test your product..Worth a try for anyone that is curious.

Hey Now!
Well I am glad i ordered some new ones. I lost mine!! That's right, it's gone. I was enjoying a nice big bowl and wasn't thinking things through properly as I grabbed the little end that sticks up out of the bowl right after drawing. Like I was pulling the bowl for the shotgun but it was the smokin screw. That puppy was wicked hot and I ended up tossing it randomly whilst cursing a blue streak. I looked for it pretty good this morning but it must of went into the bushes somewhere. Grrr and Oh Wah... Live and learn!