The postman brought my Smokin Screw today and I am impressed. Sell your brass stock short, folks, there's a new boss in screens.
I love it already. It will not fit Ariser Solo stems because of their 4 hole patterns but they should fit most single hole smoking devices.
I installed it in my trusty, grungy old corn cob and instantly cut down on my wasted meds by cutting the bowl volume in half. I always packed it full and used way more than was necessary just because it was there. Later, I'm going out and will buy a new clean pipe to install it in for the test and will save a lot of time not having to dig out the bottom of the bowl.
Stay tuned
Edit: I want to clarify that I changed the bowl volume by adjusting the bend of the handle, not by any bulk of the Smokin' Screw. It takes up a little more space than traditional screens but it's worth it.
I installed it in my trusty, grungy old corn cob and instantly cut down on my wasted meds by cutting the bowl volume in half. I always packed it full and used way more than was necessary just because it was there. Later, I'm going out and will buy a new clean pipe to install it in for the test and will save a lot of time not having to dig out the bottom of the bowl.
Stay tuned