Smokin' Screws Smokin' Screws - AFN Communal Summer 2018 Test Thread

The postman brought my Smokin Screw today and I am impressed. Sell your brass stock short, folks, there's a new boss in screens.


I love it already. It will not fit Ariser Solo stems because of their 4 hole patterns but they should fit most single hole smoking devices.
I installed it in my trusty, grungy old corn cob and instantly cut down on my wasted meds by cutting the bowl volume in half. I always packed it full and used way more than was necessary just because it was there. Later, I'm going out and will buy a new clean pipe to install it in for the test and will save a lot of time not having to dig out the bottom of the bowl.


Stay tuned :toke:
Edit: I want to clarify that I changed the bowl volume by adjusting the bend of the handle, not by any bulk of the Smokin' Screw. It takes up a little more space than traditional screens but it's worth it.
Waiting on mine, we smoke quite a bit of flower and I'm always clogging up pieces, in fact spent a good deal last night with salt and iso cleaning up glass and bowls. Looks like you could drop this into a shotglass of ISO or orange juice overnight and be one and done ready.
yeah I'm always clogging screens & everything up... I cleaned all my bowls before this thing come in, you couldn't tell now ;) The flower has a much better taste smokin in this thing VS a screen... I think when time comes for cleaning(couple days for me) we can just put some iso in a shot glass and drop that thing in overnight and next morning I'm sure it will be clean & ready for use... I might have to get me one for each of my bowls instead switching between them...
yeah I'm always clogging screens & everything up... I cleaned all my bowls before this thing come in, you couldn't tell now ;) The flower has a much better taste smokin in this thing VS a screen... I think when time comes for cleaning(couple days for me) we can just put some iso in a shot glass and drop that thing in overnight and next morning I'm sure it will be clean & ready for use... I might have to get me one for each of my bowls instead switching between them...

Let me verify exactly what the next revisions were but he mentioned making one for chillums, one for genius pipe (specifically, not sure how that would work with the profile of the bowl on that pipe though,) and some for smaller bowls/spoons. I'm looking at my busted up screen I stole from the kitchen faucet, that's who this is for haha!
I am definitely getting some more of these. They will work great in the monster Titanium Funksh bowl I bought a while ago. Have to find it; I put it away when I got the genius...

I've never used a glass screen before, how do you guys think this stacks up versus something like those?
You know what this looks like? For those of you old enough to remember the gas crisis in the looks just like the thing someone came up with to screw in your gas tank opening to prevent someone poking a hose in it and siphoning off your gas!
I've never used a glass screen before, how do you guys think this stacks up versus something like those?
I never tried them either, these do seem to fit the bill to get rid of them annoying screens.. I was honestly buying 500 of them, because it wasn't worth paying 1$ for 5 screens, when I could buy 500 of them for like 4-5$...yeah, though they are cheap and all that, they not a one size fit all screen I have cut them down for my 1hitter & the steam-roller, I also hate when you clean your bowls up shiny new that the damn screens will not stay in place, but this item sure does...and to try and get them out of the bowls is always a challenge too, once they all clogged up and nasty..
I've never used a glass screen before, how do you guys think this stacks up versus something like those?
Better that the glass ones I use. I like the glass screen but they are tiny, get thrown out with the ash, etc. They seem to clog a bit faster too, but they are cute! I have only used the screw for a day or so but so far it out does the glass screen for me.
Better that the glass ones I use. I like the glass screen but they are tiny, get thrown out with the ash, etc. They seem to clog a bit faster too, but they are cute! I have only used the screw for a day or so but so far it out does the glass screen for me.
I was thinking the glass would probably clog much easier for them of us who are rather heavy smokers... and would kinda have the same issues as with screens..this even after 2 days of very heavy use it's in no way clogged yet and hitting just as good as the 1st hit from's noticeably dirty now, but thats to be expected....every hit your really kinda forced to empty the smokin screws, so it doesn't build up like it would on any other device...