Outdoor Smokey's Spring - Summer - Autumn 2020/2021 grow journey

In all this grow isnt the best grow like the 2020, but i plan for a great autumn winter grow with organic potting mix and winter- spring grow will be home made based on what Hecno. It will this current mix going to be fill

Update Dr Grinspoon she trying to get me busted as i have made her suffer :crying::rofl: she is at 1.94 meters i can clear 2.3meter on the current backing, she just fits under the house for rain protection, any more i will have to create something for them down back

Grin spoon is faster flower than old Nimmy i think or poor Nimmy is sicker, but sure gonna look nice still as long as the tops stay good, upside more light to the buds underneath

SSSC girls are good a few def already after flipping least ph isnt as mad as with Nimmy Grinny

FatePete she is going along, not far off now the auto girl no isues apart form spider mite, which is diffcult to treat at this stage, i will try again to just paint the leaves

All the girls news now the pics


Grinner on right and Nimmy left
