Hey smokey

I always love hearing the birds in your video. I see you having some challenges with the grow but dang they look better than mine
Hey Jraven, Thanks Bro fro the visit, yes some challenges and a bit of a downer seeing them like this, particulary Durban she is a messy looking one, lol thanks sure mine look worse , your ladies will be happy to see you back
Update time

PH meter arrived today, Takamurra japenase made analog.
I got some varied results
Start with Durban the one who is going to lose most of her fans.
5.5ph then another 6.2 ph in soil dry ( watered and fert yesterday)
Super Lemon Haze, seems in the 6 range 6-1-6.5
Liberty Haze
Bubba Kush
leaves also not the best some purpling and yellowing starting so whatever wrong with the others is also with her also
dark blotches could this be a toxcity or def of Phosporus(more likely excess)
I found a soil wetter, that seems to be just seaweed added to it, pots seem heavy like water but top of soil is very dry, and watered them yesterday as in previous post.
Either that is causing issues with the leaves, or even worse, water is trapped in the soil ( lol i sound silly), which might be leading to root rot, however how it just runs out the bottom of the pot almost right away, i doubt root rot, so if no Ph issues either excess nutes, not enough, or soil has dry wet spots and needs a recharge with wetter
Girls were in perfect healthy early july so is it SINCE i redunked the run off through their pots or was it the drooping that happened earlier on with the girls, no idea, or too much feeding - as seen in grow diary
more ramblings and thoughts
1. above - diary for the girls - PK given too much, ? or def is not enough but i think maybe excess
2. ph in dry soil 5.5 -6.8 range, so maybe the ph is correct, issue is not there, could still be point 1
3. 8th july dunking on bucke to fix the dry soil - then putting that back through the soil (not a good thing i guess)
4. small possibility is weather related vpd, rain coming now , will be more humid and less cold
5. tent , it has no fans but tiny gaps that air could seep into - this could be low CO2 in stale air maybe?
6. very slight indeed, could be root issues, like root rot, dought that, wettign agent is needed a top is matty and dry like a ducks back
All the worry of the above girls, i have not had a chance to introduce the new ones
Harlequin photos and 2 autoseeds sweet cbd autoflower
Rundown of the P, has some B in it also as with gogo with 1%
Today 22nd - no nutrients added wetting agent with bti and a light fulvic spray of leaves. Durban looks like death with her hanging fans but her buds and smaller leaves are nice and green
hope this wont cause root root but soil drains very quickly vdieo later, upgrading grow tent now
Seasol Super Soil Wetter and Conditioner is a wetting agent, soil conditioner and plant health treatment all in one.
- Improves water penetration in all soils.
- Retains moisture at the root zone and reduces drying of soil.
- Maximises nutrient uptake.
- Increases watering efficiency and minimises run-off and water wastage
- Contains liquid composts which improve and condition the soil.
- Contains Seasol which promotes strong healthy root growth and overall plant health.