Outdoor Small Med Patch_ OD _Lat 48N. 2015

  • Thread starter Another One Bites the Dust1
  • Start date
Thanks for all of the GREAT information and encouragement my friend! I will have to be growing differently next year, as my state just changed the laws for us legal MMJ patients. I was able to grow 45 plants before the 24th of July, now it is only 15, and next year it will be either 4 or 8 plants.

Yes, I do start my outdoor plants on April 1st, but can't plant outdoors until June 1stish due to frost.

Dank, thanks for the very kind words!

Yoda my friend. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words. Looking forward to trying your YDBs. If you remember right, the F1s were some of the first autos I grew (in way too hot of TLO for autos), and here it is my third year of growing and growing YDB F3s.

Yes, it will be great when all are legal to grow!

Thanks for stopping by and the kind words Elvis!

Peace All!

Yeah same exact start and finish times as us...some/many years June 1st to put out is pushing it due to late frosts. Some years I can get away with plants into mid oct, but usually cool damp weather ends that on oct 1st. If your laws are changing to low numbers then you'll certainly have to get them to be huge big yielders especially if its only 4 plants allowed at a time. How is your natural PH in your ground soil? How is drainage? Have you put any in the ground naturally? If so how did they do? I'll help you out any way I can bud. :)

Oh yeah...up until next year all of my plants were started under X4 4 foot T8 flouros at 24 hours light from April 1st to around may 10th. I'd then start introducing them to sun. I put them in direct sun and sit with them until I start to see one plants fan leaves just starting to droop(usually an hour the first day). Then I move all of the plants into the shade until the droopy one springs back, then I move them back in full sun for another hour and repeat. Less than a week of doing this they are ready for full sun with no negative effects. I move them in at night during this period and have them under the flouros. The last 2 weeks before they go in the ground I keep them out in pots unless the weather is crap, then in the closet they stay. The last week of may I leaves them in the garage at night to get accustomed to cool weather and night periods from the natural photoperiod.
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Did you say 45 plants legally love to have that option wow 6 Medical in Oregon 4 Recreational I could have breeding stock and finish working on my fast lightning haze picking the best phenos to cross I want an could work on my own f1hybrid
Did you say 45 plants legally love to have that option wow 6 Medical in Oregon 4 Recreational I could have breeding stock and finish working on my fast lightning haze picking the best phenos to cross I want an could work on my own f1hybrid

Yeah I know right? Hmmmmm 45 plants lets see...expanding my perfect grow spot to include 45 plants=no problem. Trying to smoke the minimum of 70 pounds of pot that would be grown in that year= slight problem...lol
Ha ha yep would be a dream for me I would bubble hash the extra 45 plants all over 6ft tAll all the strains I love which happens to be ruderalis indica sativa lol Kevin Costner had his field of dreams that would be mine
Yeah same exact start and finish times as us...some/many years June 1st to put out is pushing it due to late frosts. Some years I can get away with plants into mid oct, but usually cool damp weather ends that on oct 1st. If your laws are changing to low numbers then you'll certainly have to get them to be huge big yielders especially if its only 4 plants allowed at a time. How is your natural PH in your ground soil? How is drainage? Have you put any in the ground naturally? If so how did they do? I'll help you out any way I can bud. :)
Green, Thanks for your input and offer to help. I have not checked the PH of my soil in the area where I am currently growing, but I will soon. Soil composition is sandy loam,so drainage is great. I actually sowed some SD seeds directly into the ground in my veggie garden. They are doing excellent and much faster finishing than ones I put into containers.
Dank, yes I was able to grow 45 plants legally up until July 24th now only 15. Harvested at least 10lbs last year (never weighed). It was quite a chore at harvest time last fall. Just my wife and myself to harvest. Have lots of meds to share with other med patients.
It is going to be a hard choice next season in what exactly to grow Outdoors. Looks like I will have to try a DP Blueberry photo next year, seeing how anything with BB is a very good med for me, and seeing how they finish for Green, they should finish for me here.

Yes its quite the chore but worth it for the meds I am also curious to what my blue berry is gonna look like definitely like to try greens do an compare
Should try the critical kush amazing mental an pain med love it
my plans for the future lol
Well that's a great sign on the SD's in the veggie garden! Sandy loam can be worked with absolutely!

I have another blueberry that's just starting preflowering. I gave her the first shot of FF tiger + open sesame today. For a bit ive noticed some colouration in the growth shoots. I am crossing fingers for a blue blueberry!! Should be another oct 1st finish!
The Frisian dew is about 2 weeks into preflower. Ooooo pink hairs :D