time for more eye-humping of your ladies,... can't wait for dry-porn!

cherry terp's! That kills me mate, I haven't had anything even close since a sample of Detroit Lean, a cross made my the now long gone SaH... Which reminds me to ask Stick about this, I think he may have the last few beans of it....
...the wheel of terp's spins wildly at times, especially with (I assume) F1's! Between the those parents, cherry is not among the aromas I'd expect, though there's mention of AoF having berry pheno',....

Another case-in-point, Ronin's Bum Wine; I grew two out, and got very different terp's, neither close to her name's sake, one that's very close to the Haze end of the aroma spectrum =


.... mind the parents are HBSS (BOG Bubblegum) and Tyrone Special (Green Crack related)

...so you can never tell sometimes!
I'm with you, the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] looks to have been the keeper,... she'll show up again I bet! Taking clones sounds all good and easy, but it's a real commitment to have a "forever" veg' tent burning up resource$,... Not sure about the density, you'll have to talk with Stick about the CBD Haze, but I betting she's a more fluffy builder so maybe that came out here (vs. the hard nugg's the others are known for), that, and the crowding cutting down light intensity.... So true though about [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], only the smoke test will tell-

... I've said many times to others, all that glitters isn't necessarily gold... 2 seasons ago the Cannalope Haze and last season the C+2.0 (odd pheno') were both the least impressive looking to the naked eye of the strains ran, but the goods were there! The frostiest strains didn't have squattola on them as far as potency goes hit-for-hit, and the C.Haze was super high ceiling stuff,... I didn't let some friends smoke her knowing how they respond to the more powerful psychoactive Sati's...

<- that's them on the left!

... got a friend/client grow done, with the Sweet Honey Peach CBD which turned out very nice, my first real higher CBD plant... early toke test is promising! I got a nice mid-level buzz initially, then it levels off but with a great general sense of well-being, clear head, functional... it's supposed to be about 1:1 ratio, and I'd say it feels it,... So I curious as to your results and experience with this cross, even if there's not lab test to confirm things... maybe Stick has had some test results to share, or can make a solid estimation about expected ratio's with this cross,....
>>> Blasphemy looks damn nice! Any info on her parentage?
>>> MoB's

.... again, I think the light intensity is in play for the bud density here, though I can say none of my MoB even outside made really solid nugg's, and of those, the fully green pheno was the densest,....Pics will show!........ [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] sure showed an odd aromatics profile, never heard of such strong piney smells from MoB from other growers, but the colors are all MoB... [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is more like it!

I agree, MoB's mixed berry aromatics isn't like straight Blueberry or others baring the name,... Resin production is always stellar, and Stick said one parent was truly exceptional, a "white" pheno'-

My first purp's pheno' ever grown was to date the most frosty, so color is not a factor for that likely...... Another thing mate, MoB was
made to be an outdoor fast strain, so her ID performance may not be at it's best because of this,....

OK, pic bomb time as promised!
>> my first two MoB's, only my 2nd year growing, and the only fully green pheno' I've had to date. These were in only 5gal pots....
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>> Purple pheno'
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@Slater ... there's more, but rather than bury this thread in them, I'll post them at the HPG MoB thread,... :smoking: