New Grower Slow journey to my first grow... sorta.

So here are a couple pics of the corner in the basement where I am going to have this grow room. The door will probably be about where the ladder is sitting now.

I can't wait until dedicated grow spaces become a standard upgrade to improve resale value...or at least the subject of reality shows on TLC...

Pimp My Grow Space!
I can't wait until dedicated grow spaces become a standard upgrade to improve resale value...or at least the subject of reality shows on TLC...

Pimp My Grow Space!
Well to be honest this is probably going to be a 8x11 storage closet where I can set up a 4x4 grow tent somewhat inconspicuously. Out of the way and out of sight of family and friends when they visit.
So I moved almost everything that was in the way... moved a light and sweet up the floor. Not much h but it's a start.
Planning on buying some lumber here I a week to start framing walls... I already have some drywall. Probably enough for this room anyway.
So I'm still on track to start my first grow in the new grow space the first week of December. I had a couple of outlets installed this past week and put up half of a wall last night. Hoping to get the other half up Wednesday on my next day off.
I got the other half wall installed. So now I have one 8 foot long wall left to build that will also have the door in it. I'm getting excited. This grow has been a long time coming. I'll have some storage shelves in this room also so I'll have lots of room for amendments and soils.
So I got the other wall built tonight. I just need to install a header and a door... And a little more drywall. I have an electric radiator style heater for the room if I need it. My basement is well insulated and so far hasn't been cold at all .. but we also haven't had any really cold weather yet. It was down in the 20s a couple of mornings.
I hope you guys are enjoying the process of this grow space taking shape as much as I am... I am planning on putting a couple of other rooms here in the basement. A man cave and probably a home office or home gym that will double as a guest room...