Mephisto Genetics skystomper and sourstomper grow.

quick question for you guys. we are germing in soil. patiently waiting lol. i know its a huge debate on how to germ. but we seemed to make a slight mistake. iv been doing more reading, seems autos dont like being transplanted to much. well we cant avoid that now lol. we didnt have our grow bags yet so we figured it would be ok to transplant them after they rooted and got a little bigger. now i read its not good for them, im not sure when to transplant them. should it be done soon after they sprout? carefully? or should we let them get a node or so on them? when is the best time to not over stress the plants. thanks guys
quick question for you guys. we are germing in soil. patiently waiting lol. i know its a huge debate on how to germ. but we seemed to make a slight mistake. iv been doing more reading, seems autos dont like being transplanted to much. well we cant avoid that now lol. we didnt have our grow bags yet so we figured it would be ok to transplant them after they rooted and got a little bigger. now i read its not good for them, im not sure when to transplant them. should it be done soon after they sprout? carefully? or should we let them get a node or so on them? when is the best time to not over stress the plants. thanks guys

So as far as I got it goes like this.
Autos have a short life span, so they don't like anything that might stun that time, anything that will give them a high dose of stress will stun them. Since they don't have the time to recover like photos every day counts.
Again here our human side takes over, it's not the plant that does not like it, it's us that don't like to loose that time=yield. The plant can have a bump on the way since she does not care ( as much as we do) about the size of them budz.
So in conclusion, transplant from propagation/cup/etc
As soon as you see that there is root development and the seedling is searching for more soil.
I tend to go on a bit but feel it's better than just say, see roots put soil

A 4 strain grow. Second try.
The seedlings are generally good in 16oz solo cups. I can't remember if it's Stepside, Pops22, or A-train that start in solos then transplant when the first leaves stretch to the edges of the cup, by that time the roots will have reached the bottom of the cup and not circling yet.
The seedlings are generally good in 16oz solo cups. I can't remember if it's Stepside, Pops22, or A-train that start in solos then transplant when the first leaves stretch to the edges of the cup, by that time the roots will have reached the bottom of the cup and not circling yet.
Just be careful. I tired the Styrofoam cup method and she was looking great until...I got stoned and tried to remove the top part instead of the bottom lol. Ended up just having to rip the whole cup off and stunted her a wee bit. But I will say she took off pretty quick in that cup.

Oh and try a warm damp paper towel, fold it up till it'll fit inside a DVD case. Take your bean, place on the paper towel and fold it in half again. Place in DVD case, wrap the DVD case in a t-shirt or hand towel and place on top of your led's or hps ballast. Within 12 hours I usually have a tap root sticking out.
The seedlings are generally good in 16oz solo cups. I can't remember if it's Stepside, Pops22, or A-train that start in solos then transplant when the first leaves stretch to the edges of the cup, by that time the roots will have reached the bottom of the cup and not circling yet.
this about when i was thinking. about when the roots were to the bottom but not crowded. thanks for the advice again guys
Just be careful. I tired the Styrofoam cup method and she was looking great until...I got stoned and tried to remove the top part instead of the bottom lol. Ended up just having to rip the whole cup off and stunted her a wee bit. But I will say she took off pretty quick in that cup.

Oh and try a warm damp paper towel, fold it up till it'll fit inside a DVD case. Take your bean, place on the paper towel and fold it in half again. Place in DVD case, wrap the DVD case in a t-shirt or hand towel and place on top of your led's or hps ballast. Within 12 hours I usually have a tap root sticking out.
we probably would have. but the last crapazon piece we had was the bags lol they were not here on time. and the bro had to leave town a few days. so we probably took a bit more risk than we should have out of impatience lol. although i did read seedlings seem to take off stronger germed in soil. as there is no shock to tap root going from towel to soil. so we felt like soil was not a bad idea. waiting for the pots might not have been a bad idea tho haha. live n learn i guess.
we probably would have. but the last crapazon piece we had was the bags lol they were not here on time. and the bro had to leave town a few days. so we probably took a bit more risk than we should have out of impatience lol. although i did read seedlings seem to take off stronger germed in soil. as there is no shock to tap root going from towel to soil. so we felt like soil was not a bad idea. waiting for the pots might not have been a bad idea tho haha. live n learn i guess.
Hey man that's the beauty of it! It's whatever works for you!!! I haven't had any issues with putting the tapped bean in the dirt. It was only about 1/8" long. I'm sure everything will work out great for you. It's always stressful starting out, but soon you'll be wading through a dank ass forest!