Seed Stockers Shumway Thin Mint Crack


Cultivators Club
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score

Welcome to the Nuthouse!

Pull up a chair spark a fatty and lets get rocking! :woohoo1:

400w hps (dimmable) will be starting her out at 150w and increasing as we go
Fushion Hut Tent 100cm x 100cm x 200cm (40"x40"x79")
Ferts - Gaia Green organics & a little bit of bat poop here and there ;)

Trying out a new organic mix called Root Farm which has tons of goodies in it kind of like ocean forest so hoping this turns out well :haha:

@CannaZone Tier 1

TMC day 1 (1).JPG

TMC day 1 (2).JPG

Welcome guys! @Boradan @Mikis Here have a toke lol :pass:

I like your style, I’ve gone with a similar idea for nutrients. I’ll follow along......

Right on,So sick of all the damn expensive advanced nutes etc that never really worked out for me so said f..k it lol

Have seen some decent grows using the gaia so thought i'd give it a go,Just used the bloom alone with a bit of bat poop on my dark devil as thats all i had at the time and worked out great :thumbsup:
Welcome guys! @Boradan @Mikis Here have a toke lol :pass:

Right on,So sick of all the damn expensive advanced nutes etc that never really worked out for me so said f..k it lol

Have seen some decent grows using the gaia so thought i'd give it a go,Just used the bloom alone with a bit of bat poop on my dark devil as thats all i had at the time and worked out great :thumbsup:
Yeah, me too. Gaia green is hard to find in the U.K. and if you can find it then it’s expensive. I’ve gone for a mix of frass and b & b which should give me 4-4-4 and plagron bat guano to flower 3-15-4 I’m quietly confident that an ok result will be achieved. Similar idea really.
@BWM I keep forgetting you U.K lot have all different stuff over there :face:

Gaia is made here in canada so real easy to come by lol Going to do a mix of 75% grow to 25% bloom then going to reverse that when its time to top dress