New Grower Should i soak the new soil and let it settle first before adding seed?

Sep 17, 2017
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Hi, i appreciate this has most likely been asked many times, so i apologise in advance. I've had a search of the forums but can't find the exact answer. My question is as follows:

I'm new to planting from seed, i'm going to use the paper towel method in a zip lock bag and plant into soil in 15L airpots. I'm using Plagron Light Mix in the pots.
Do i need to pre water the dry soil in the pots for it to sink/subside (with a few litres), let it dry for a few days, then germinate the seeds, add them to the soil once cracked and continue on with small amounts of water circling the seed, or can i plant them into fresh soil from the bag into the pot?

I hope this makes sense!

Also what pH would people advise for the water to be please, I've been advised 6.6 is the sweet spot?

Sorry for the n00b questions!
I fill my pots, water, and place in my tent about the time I start seeds, by the time the seeds are ready, the medium has come to the correct temp.

Not dry, not soaked, just moist.

6.6 is a little high for me, I shoot for 6 even.... I'll be changing that slightly as the new nute line recommends 6.2 for seedlings, increasing to 6.6 in flower....

The 6.6 kinda makes my old school education go:yoinks:
When I was in soil, I would water to some runoff, then plant seed 5-6 hours later. With coco I do the same watering, however, I plant the seed shortly after.

I supercharge my coco with Rhiz and Calmag. If I used a hot soil like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, they don't need nutes for the first 3-4 weeks.

The paper towel method is one where you want the seeds to "reach" for the moistness. Do not soak paper towel. I use a ceramic dish for the paper towel method after my seeds have been in a shot glass. Both on warming pad.
Hi, i appreciate this has most likely been asked many times, so i apologise in advance. I've had a search of the forums but can't find the exact answer. My question is as follows:

I'm new to planting from seed, i'm going to use the paper towel method in a zip lock bag and plant into soil in 15L airpots. I'm using Plagron Light Mix in the pots.
Do i need to pre water the dry soil in the pots for it to sink/subside (with a few litres), let it dry for a few days, then germinate the seeds, add them to the soil once cracked and continue on with small amounts of water circling the seed, or can i plant them into fresh soil from the bag into the pot?

I hope this makes sense!

Also what pH would people advise for the water to be please, I've been advised 6.6 is the sweet spot?

Sorry for the n00b questions!

I only and have only grown in soil. Get the soil wet, it should feel like a damp sponge when you grab a handful. I would let it sit for a night before planting in it. Peat is hydrophobic when dry and so are soil mixes. I have seen new growers not properly hydrate before planting and it can cause major issues. Plus dry hydrophobic areas in the soil will prevent root growth.
I only and have only grown in soil. Get the soil wet, it should feel like a damp sponge when you grab a handful. I would let it sit for a night before planting in it. Peat is hydrophobic when dry and so are soil mixes. I have seen new growers not properly hydrate before planting and it can cause major issues. Plus dry hydrophobic areas in the soil will prevent root growth.
Thanks buddy.

This is my first auto grow.
Mephisto Hubbabubbasmelloscope.

These seedlings are under Secret Jardin 42w led veg strip lights about 10inch away. I planted the germinated seeds 2 days ago & they broke the soil 36hrs ago. I'm in Plagron light mix and only adding ph6 water at the moment. I have a 6 cree 3500k cob setup ready to go in to replace the 42w leds.

Do they look like they are stretching too much? I've planted two in each pot and intend to kill one off when I decide which looks the best phenotype. Please see attachments for pictures.

Any advice more than appreciated!! Thankyou!

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I would recommend less water, they are stretching a bit too much.

I usually barely moisten my soil mix, and mix well, right before planting. Biggest beginner mistake is over watering. I water once per day when young, and once every 2-3 days when older. If using hot soil (fertilized), put a cup of regular soil in the middle before planting. Get used to lifting pots to check their weight to determine if they need watering.
I would recommend less water, they are stretching a bit too much.

I usually barely moisten my soil mix, and mix well, right before planting. Biggest beginner mistake is over watering. I water once per day when young, and once every 2-3 days when older. If using hot soil (fertilized), put a cup of regular soil in the middle before planting. Get used to lifting pots to check their weight to determine if they need watering.
Thanks. 'And mix well', how do you mean?

In a light mix of soil, when would you begin feeding anything other than water. I've been told 2 weeks..?

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I put it in a 5 gallon bucket and stir it up with a hand spade to mix in the water, then put it in a 3 gallon pot.

Day 10 you can begin light feeding. I like to use Liquid Fish Fertilizer for the first couple of fertilizations (its very gentle), then I use General hydroponics' Grow for the first few weeks. Many feeding schedules online---search by manufacturers or in forums.
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I would not worry about pH in your first grow. Keep it simple.
I would not worry about pH in your first grow. Keep it simple.

I would worry about PH. And there are many reasons. You want the best grow, learning experience, less head ache. What if his grow turns to shit and gets up...all because of a simple test. My personal opinion is that you are not educating a new grower about one of the most important variables in growing. ...learn about PH. Learn about nutrient uptake, lockout etc.