New Grower Short Stuff HBD first grow

Jan 10, 2015
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Hey everyone. I just started my first grow of 1x HBD. This is a practice soil grow until i get my whole money situation set to build my setup. I just put the seed in a moist paper towel. I'm going to use the technaflora recipe for success kit because it was given to me with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, which was also given to me. I'll update this as much as possible. Any info/suggestions is always appreciated.
I am also using the grow buddy app on my ipad mini to help me document and keep track of everything.
my seed popped yesterday. I left it in the papertowel until this morning then planted it.
I ordered a ph kit and tester. but amazon is lagging on shipping and i wont get it until next week
Hey. Devit3d

You have to watch that Ocean Forest.Its alittle hot for some at the younger growth stage..I'f started a few in it and there are still growing to the sun.But I've read and heard others that have had problems with it..

Thanks :peace:
Hey. Devit3d

You have to watch that Ocean Forest.Its alittle hot for some at the younger growth stage..I'f started a few in it and there are still growing to the sun.But I've read and heard others that have had problems with it..

Thanks :peace:

Ok thanks for the heads up. Ill keep an eye on that
What is the best way to get rid of leaf dwellers? They destroyed my photo plants a few months back. When i did my first ever grow
What is the best way to get rid of leaf dwellers? They destroyed my photo plants a few months back. When i did my first ever grow

Like in aphids ?? If you have an aphid problem buy some ladybugs . :tiphat:
The squiggley lines are most likely thrips.
The holes, I am not so sure about.
Fly strips or garden pest squares catch quite a few. they are sticky and attract flying and hopping bugs.
Once I notice them, I rub every leaf with a squiggley line. if you look close you can usually see the larvae , rubbing the leaf squeeshes them.
I enlist the help of predators also, jumping spiders, lady bugs, tree frogs, etc. You would be amazed at how quickly two or three jumping spiders can get a hold of an thrip infestation.