Indoor Short Stuff by WWWillie

Day 9
Boy they are doing swell! Looking nice and age appropriate. Last night I gave them 250 ml AFTW with 1 ml/L supercharger and 2 ml Neptune seaweed. The seaweed was on a hunch and thought I would try kind of thing that kind of worked. The pH of the supercarger solution came in at 7.1 a good bit high so instead of pH down I tried the seaweed. 1 ml dropped it to 6.5 so I added a 2nd 1 ml but that really did not change it much more so it sort of worked I added 6 drops of pH down to get it to 5.9 which is about where I wanted it. I have also been spraying the daily with the absorbalight solution. This is a very dilute mix compared to the recommended dose of 20-40 ml. They seem to like it.
I'll try for more pictures today. I have a new snapshot camera and the battery should be here today so I'll wait for that. Pretty exited, not a great camera only 5mp but it does have Schneider Kreuznach glass!! I get excited by good glass, weird I know but it must be the photographer in me; it's all about the glass!!
Hey sorry GBeast, I'll see what's going on. Never had this problem before. I'll try re-upping them or something.
Day 10
The grow continues to flourish. Gave them 250 ml AFTW last night and a good spray with the absorbalight solution. They are doing well under 24/0 lighting. It is my first time running that way. I am doing it specifically for heat management, it's been keeping it a fairly steady 70-74 F in there. I figured 400 watt light or a 600 watt heater, the light won.
Here is a picture. It is the first one with the little camera. It works well but kinda weird not having the control I am used to, especially the ability to use my flashes to overpower the LED and/or HPS lighting. So please pardon the poor color balance. I hope to get it worked out, but in the meantime...
Day 11
Gave them 250 ml AFTW with 1 ml supercharger, 2 ml kelp pH 5.9 sprayed with absorbalight solution last night. Looked in today and they look great. Had to get the big camera out to snap a few pics. Here is the same girl about a day later with the proper coloring. Nothing like multiple flashes and some exposure control, eh!
Day 12
Watered with 250 ml. AFTW. Sprayed with absorbalight solution. Things continue to look great.
Looking good mine are at about the same stage looking good man. Thinking about getting some of that spray its from rock right
Healthy plants you've got there, will
Day 13
Thank you my friends, always appreciate an admiring word!! Yes the absorbalight is from Rock. I am using it at about 1/10 or less of the recommended mix. I thought that the full strength was way to strong. I am not sure it is doing much at this dilution, 2.5 ml/L, but I do use it daily, thinking that a good daily water spray is beneficial in these dry, dry winter months.

I watered with 1 L each of AFTW. They were remarkably dry. Still on 24/0. Looking good and at an age appropriate size. Hope they keep it up! I plan to start 1/2 strength nutrients on day 15. I will be using Rock Nutrients, following their schedule and bring the mix up to full strength gradually while observing how they look.
Day 14
Well they are certainly growing well! Look better to me than a lot of my plants at this age.
Watered with 250 ml each with 1 ml supercharger, 2 ml kelp / 1L AFTW pH'd to 5.9 and gave them a good spray. Light still on at 24/0 It is keeping the temps up and the girls are flourishing!
Day 15
Has it really been two weeks! Wow! time really does fly. Anyways, they look great a bit of curl on one set of leave and they all seem to have it. Took some pictures and will try to post some.
Fed them tonight. Each one recievd about 800 ml of AFTW with 4 ml supercharger, 2 ml fusion bloom, 2.5 ml Cal N Mag, and 2 ml kelp to drop pH a bit. Still needed a few drops of pH down. Sprayed again as usual.

Here is the one we have been watching.
Day 17
Did not do anything yesterday. Went to see family and was gone overnight. Just looked in on them, it's about 2:00 PM, and wow pretty big robust looking plants here. Later I'll try to get a picture. They really gobbled up the feed from Friday's meal!

Edit: Pic as promised
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