Indoor Short Stuff by WWWillie

Looked in on them late, but three were standing tall with a nice big tap root and one was poking up through and should be with the others shortly. Tomorrow I will get them in some dirt! quite excited by it all!
Finally got them in the dirt! WooHoo!!
Two were really stretching so I put them in kind of deep, one was about perfect, and the last one was bound up by some shell skin stuff but that was easily dealt with by soaking and gently removing. So they are in their new home, in a nice slug of FF light warrior that was soaked with clonex solution. Besides pH I think roots are one of my issues. My cloned photos had twice the root structure ( I am sure my memory exaggerates it a bit) than the seed started ones. So I am using some of the Clonex to help with the roots starting out and plan to include Rock Supercharger root tonic on my regular regimen. Hope to have that soil pH meter soon. Want to make sure that is in the right range and I don't lock out nutrients and such.
Hope to take some pictures tonight. I think I should get a little point and shoot for the garden. Taking pictures with the DSLR is great fun but a project in its own right. If I had a ready to grab and shoot about the place I know I would be taking more pictures.
Hey wwwille, i probably overlooked it but what strain are you running? Russian rocket fuel? Im guessing off your post on my thread (which is no longer a top secret assignment) lol
GoAuto moved mine to indoor growing, i don't think he knew it was the private section. Probably assumed he was reading the public part of short stuff section.

Good luck:Sharing One:
Hey GBeast, thanks for stopping by. Ya Mossy is looking into the private thing with Muddy... I'll leave it to them. I am running Mi5.

Here are a few pictures as promised.

One of the babies:

Here are the whole crew in their humid domes:

I will most likely remove those tomorrow or sooner. Concrete floor is cold so I will put down this thick rug and some seedling heat mats. Still working on trying to get some good roots started.
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Mi5 huh...hmm gonna have to go look them up. Sativa dom?
Day 03
They look good. Took the humidity domes off just before I went up for the night and I gave them 250 ml of AFTW each, too. The light is currently on 24/0, a 400 watt HPS that is about 12 in. above. Hope they continue to do well.
GBeast they are indica dom according to the site's description. Ak47 and afgan and I cannot remember. Supposed to be cut with enough sativa to cut down the couch lock. I am pretty psyched! I need some heavy indica to add to my medicine chest.
PS: don't know what happened to the picture links, I'll see what's up and try to fix.
Day 4
They look good. Humidity domes have been off for a day so we are really on our way with this grow now. I forked up the soil all around the top to loosen it up a bit then watered with another 250 ml each to which I added 1 ml/L of Supercharger root tonic. Their pretty damp now so should be all set for a few days. I hope this will get me a good start for the roots.
Could not edit the post with the bad picture links so here they are.
All up in their humidity domes! The garden.

One of the candidates looking green.
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Day 6
They are growing well. Look age appropriate at this time. I have been spraying them with plain water and today sprayed with Rock Absorbalight at a very reduced dose 2.5 ml / L. They have a bit of light green, I am hoping it is from the lights on 24/0. This is my first 24/0 grow; doing it for the temps. Maybe some pictures tonight.
Having trouble seeing pics, there's a blue question Mark where the picture supposed to be won't let me click on it