Mephisto Genetics Seymourbud's Soapbox

Took me about 45 minutes to deseed the bud, but looks like the smallest of the lower branches produced 95 mature seeds. Looks like I will have well over 800 seeds by the time I get done. Boy am I glad I only did several branches of the Sweet and Sour.:yoinks:

Stone Dragon Seeds - Day 100 - Day 56 - 95 seeds - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon Seeds - Day 100 - Day 56 - 95 seeds - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon Seeds - Day 100 - Day 56 - 95 seeds.jpg
@Seymourbud -Everything is looking amazing and that sweet and sour is mouth watering! I have a couple of those going right now, one just entered flower and you me got me pretty excited to see what’s to come with her. Have you sampled any yet? Any nug shots? Just curious lol

I can’t imagine what a good looking plant that the stone dragon x sweet n sour would make
Thanks @Wallflower82 . You are going to be super stoked about those Sweet & Sour's when they start heavily flowering. Mine had a very sweet aroma as soon as you open the cabinet doors. You had to linger over the aroma to catch a faint whiff of the sour.

So yesterday was a chop day, but I had to get it done very quickly, so I forgot to get pictures before I started. For the Stone Dragon, she hasn't changed her look in the past 2-3 weeks as she had become "gnarly" with some tip burn, her purplish/black color, and no pistils for some time. She was fully seeded, so I spent no time with her buds. I took off her branches and they went right to a paper bag in the upper cabinet to start to dry and release some seeds naturally. I am hoping to get more then a couple of grams worth of buds. I have used a small bud for the past three nights and I am more then impressed. So , she was 103 days from seed in a 1 gallon airpot, and 59 days from pollination. The effect was a very zen-like, almost spacey feeling. I went to sleep almost immediately after a couple of large vape hits, and was out for almost 3 hours. The best part is when I awoke, I had troubles getting up and to bed and keeping my eyes open so as not to trip and fall. I have awaken each morning feeling very rested. This puts the Stone Dragon on my Mount Rushmore of nighttime meds with Blue Toof Special, Gold Glue, and Grape Walker Kush. I will update with some pictures before and after the de-seeding process.

The Sweet & Sour was day 86. Since she was partially seeded, I only chopped the branches that were not seeded leaving behind the stalk and the seeded branches. She is on day 45 after pollination. I am hoping to take her 50+ days to guarantee more seeds. She might have been the easiest trim I have ever done on an automatic. And since I have only grown Mephisto auto's (with the exception of Stone Dragon), that makes her the easiest trim of more then 15+ Mephisto varieties I have grown. And she yielded well, considering she was partially seeded. I would estimate 20-25% of the plant was seeded, and I was able to get 208 grams wet from the remainder of the plant. I am very happy with this as deciding to hit the Sweet & Sour girl with pollen was really an afterthought. I have found several seeds in the soil that have fallen out when I have moved her, so I don't think it will be long before she is done. She really does have a incredible sweet smell. I haven't grown the Sweet Toof, but I have to assume thats where her aroma comes from.

Overall, I am very happy with this harvest. Again, pictures of the dry bud, de-seeding process will come in the following days.
I pollinated two new plants today, Day 53, 24 days after flowering has started. I used some of the Stone Dragon mixed pollen I had left.
I have one more plant to pollinate, a Mephisto 24 Carat, but that will be some time next week.

The two plants are Mephisto Gold Glue and Blue Toof Special.

Blue Toof Special

Blue Toof Special - Day 53 - Just pollinated - (2).jpg
Blue Toof Special - Day 53 - Just pollinated.jpg

Gold Glue

Gold Glue - Day 53 - Just pollinated - (2).jpg
Gold Glue - Day 53 - Just pollinated.jpg
Well, it has been two weeks since my last update, and there has been some changes.

Right now, the Stone Dragon x Gold Glue and the Stone Dragon x Blue Toof Special are just nursing their seeds. It has been 2 weeks since I pollinated them, Haven't changed much in their feeding regimen, although I am thinking about pure water for the final 2-3 weeks. I did have to do a major defoliation on both of them as I spotted some budrot on the inside of the GG. Snipped it out, and keeping a close eye on it. There was no way any air was getting to the inner part of the plant as their was just too many leaves, so there was transpiration on the inner leaves and that led to the budrot. At least that is my story and I am sticking to it. I also pollinated the last plant for this round with some of the remaining SD male pollen. That plant is a Mephisto 24 Carat. She is about two weeks behind (in terms of when she was pollinated) the GG and the BTS.

Gold Glue - Day 68

Gold Glue - Day 68 - (2).jpg
Gold Glue - Day 68 - (3).jpg
Gold Glue - Day 68.jpg

Blue Toof Special - Day 68

Blue Toof Special - Day 68 - (2).jpg
Blue Toof Special - Day 68 - (3).jpg
Blue Toof Special - Day 68.jpg

24 Carat 2 - Day 57

24 Carat 2 - Day 57 - (2).jpg
24 Carat 2 - Day 57 - (3).jpg
24 Carat 2 - Day 57.jpg
So in the main cabinet, we have a few Mephisto fems just doing their thing, piling on the trichs, fattening up the buds, getting themselves very pretty for their chop day.

24 Carat - Day 68

24 Carat - Day 68 - (2).jpg
24 Carat - Day 68 - (3).jpg
24 Carat - Day 68.jpg

Deez Nuggets - Day 38

Deez Nuggets - 38 - (2).jpg
Deez Nuggets - 38 - (3).jpg
Deez Nuggets - 38.jpg

Grape Sex (pheno 2 - My friends and I called her Daywrecker, the name is self-explanatory)

Daywrecker 2 - Day 44 - (2).jpg
Daywrecker 2 - Day 44 - (3).jpg
Daywrecker 2 - Day 44.jpg
Got a chance to snap some pictures, the end is near for a couple of ladies. I would have already taken the 24 Carat, but she was a stunted seedling that did nothing for 7-10 days after emerging from the dirt. She was late starting flowering, accordingly. So I may wait another 7-10 days to let her amber up before the chop.

24 Carat - Day 75
24 Carat - Day 75 - (2).jpg
24 Carat - Day75.jpg

Daywrecker (Grape Sex pheno 2) - Day 52
Daywrecker (Grape Sex pheno 2) - Day 52 - (2).jpg
Daywrecker (Grape Sex pheno 2) - Day 52.jpg

Deez Nuggets - Day 46

Deez Nuggets - Day 46 - (2).jpg
Deez Nuggets - Day 46.jpg

HubbaBubbaSmelloScope - Day 46

HBSS - Day 46 - (2).jpg
HBSS - Day 46 - (3).jpg
HBSS - Day 46.jpg