@Wallflower82 . You are going to be super stoked about those Sweet & Sour's when they start heavily flowering. Mine had a very sweet aroma as soon as you open the cabinet doors. You had to linger over the aroma to catch a faint whiff of the sour.
So yesterday was a chop day, but I had to get it done very quickly, so I forgot to get pictures before I started. For the Stone Dragon, she hasn't changed her look in the past 2-3 weeks as she had become "gnarly" with some tip burn, her purplish/black color, and no pistils for some time. She was fully seeded, so I spent no time with her buds. I took off her branches and they went right to a paper bag in the upper cabinet to start to dry and release some seeds naturally. I am hoping to get more then a couple of grams worth of buds. I have used a small bud for the past three nights and I am more then impressed. So , she was 103 days from seed in a 1 gallon airpot, and 59 days from pollination. The effect was a very zen-like, almost spacey feeling. I went to sleep almost immediately after a couple of large vape hits, and was out for almost 3 hours. The best part is when I awoke, I had troubles getting up and to bed and keeping my eyes open so as not to trip and fall. I have awaken each morning feeling very rested. This puts the Stone Dragon on my Mount Rushmore of nighttime meds with Blue Toof Special, Gold Glue, and Grape Walker Kush. I will update with some pictures before and after the de-seeding process.
The Sweet & Sour was day 86. Since she was partially seeded, I only chopped the branches that were not seeded leaving behind the stalk and the seeded branches. She is on day 45 after pollination. I am hoping to take her 50+ days to guarantee more seeds. She might have been the easiest trim I have ever done on an automatic. And since I have only grown Mephisto auto's (with the exception of Stone Dragon), that makes her the easiest trim of more then 15+ Mephisto varieties I have grown. And she yielded well, considering she was partially seeded. I would estimate 20-25% of the plant was seeded, and I was able to get 208 grams wet from the remainder of the plant. I am very happy with this as deciding to hit the Sweet & Sour girl with pollen was really an afterthought. I have found several seeds in the soil that have fallen out when I have moved her, so I don't think it will be long before she is done. She really does have a incredible sweet smell. I haven't grown the Sweet Toof, but I have to assume thats where her aroma comes from.
Overall, I am very happy with this harvest. Again, pictures of the dry bud, de-seeding process will come in the following days.