Got a couple of updates on my garden, seems it has been awhile. This week, the Mephisto 3 Bears OG got the chop. I was waiting for her to get `20-30% amber, but I had a window to chop and the next window would have been another 7-10 days later, so I took her at Day 84 with about 10% amber. In her last weeks of swelling and fattening up, she really lost all of her shape and just became a large block of bud. She wasn't too tall (due to my early nute mishap), so as she swelled she just looked like a plant that was telling me that she was ripe for budrot. RH% in my cab was right around 30-35%, and I had an extraction fan/filter and a regular fan at all times moving air, but I felt there was still a chance since she was so swelled up. She yielded ok even though I may have stunted her early on. Wet yield was 270 grams wet, or probably around 70 grams dry. She has been finally nailed as the main culprit in my cabinet that was killing my fan/filter combo. She really stunk at the end. She has been drying for several days now. Looking forward to tasting her real soon. Now some pictures.
3 Bears OG - Day 84 - Chop Day
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