Seed Stockers SeedStockers 2nd leg 2019 Nicole cream, Sticky Fingers, White widow

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Good to see your germination rates and growth are good, I am looking forward to seeing how our Sticky Fingers go. I have one in DWC and one in an AutoPot so that will be interesting to compare growth media.
I need to update my journal today as well! Thanks for keeping on top of yours :pass:
Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 4 update

Day 28

Had a few problems this week but the girls have still done nicely, have been lightly fed with the feed standing at 0.45ec which is 5ml of canna a and b , 3 ml of shogun calmag and 3 ml of silicon. I have chosen my battle plant which will be the Sticky fingers [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. All is looking good, over the next few days I will reomve the big shader leaves once again and up the EC of the feed.

Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 5 update

Day 35

Everything is going good, signs from some of the bigger girls that the pre fert is at an end so the girls are now on a mix of Canna a and b, some cal mag and silicon coming out at an E.c of 1.0 and ph of 6.4
All the girls seem rather happy, one or two are coming to grips with the switch from pre fert but all in all everyone of them seems very hardy and able to handle a little bit of abuse with is always helpful.

Good to see them thriving. and taking some abuse; always makes genetics look good when they can handle a bit more.
Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 6 update

Day 42

So the girls are on a feed at 1.5ec and 6.1ph, everything is looking great, all the seedstockers girls are taking everything in their stride. The 3 sticky fingers seem like they will be ready before the nicole cream's and white widow but the yield from the later 3 should be very very impressive indeed. Last week of Big bud this week before we switch over to my beloved bloombastic :bighug:

Back left is White widow, back right is Sticky fingers

Middle two are nicole cream

Front 2 sticky fingers

Seed stockers.jpg

The sticky fingers chosen as my battle plant, small but perfection personified!

sticky fingers battle.jpg
beautiful girls

Thanks mate, I have a feeling this 6 will be the highest producing bunch of auto's I have seen. Considering I wasn't keen on the white widow, I'm glad I did now I think it is going to produce some of the biggest buds I have done since going auto
Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 7 update

Day 49

All the girls are now on an ec of 1.6 and ph of 6.3 , The Sticky fingers are all Filling out nicely and an absolute pleasure to grow, started to get some smell tho it is still quite tame but the amount of resin production is very high.

sticky fingers 2.jpg
sticky fingers 3.jpg
sticky top.jpg

The white widow has finally stopped all vegative growth and is now on its way to filling out, the leaves always seem to go really limp when lights out but on lights on they shoot right back up so nothing to worry about, should be a very good producer.
white wid.jpg

Much like the widow both the nicole creams have just stopped all vegative growth and should now fill out nicely. Just like the widow also the leaves on both nicole cream go very limp when lights are out but soon stand up when the lights are on. They are a good size and should produce nicely, I am really expecting the buds to start packing on weight from this point on.

Nicole cream.jpg
SeedStockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 8 update

Day 56

Sticky Fingers auto

Mainly fed at an ec of 1.6 and ph of 6.3 with the odd plain watering inbetween

Seed Stockers GOTY 2nd Leg Week 9

Sticky Fingers Day 63

Been fed on an EC of 1.6 and ph of between 6.1 and 6.3 bar a couple of days when I ran out of food and it was just water ph'd to 6.3

SeedStockers GOTY 2nd leg update Week 10

Sticky fingers Auto Day 70

Now being flushed on plain water at a PH of 6.3, Will be getting chopped in the coming days, whenever I find the time really. The 2 Nicole Cream could still do with some fattening so will carry them on for another week along with the white widow. The Widow does seem quite a bit behind the nicole but the rate of growth must be a record for me, the buds visually swell on a daily basis so I'm hoping those 3 will be ready together, if not I will just chuck the widow through some bubble bags. Will put up some detailed pics of the 3 Sticky before I chop them and also some of the Nicole as I will have much more room to manoeuvre.

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