Seed Stockers SeedStockers 2nd leg 2019 Nicole cream, Sticky Fingers, White widow

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Vicent Van Grow

Cultivators Club
Dec 31, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Sour Livers
Hey all this is my Journal for the Seeds Stockers GOTY 2nd leg, I will growing 3 x nicole cream 3 x sticky fingers and 1 white widow, they will be grown alongside 5 others girls for another battle but the focus in this thread will be solely on the Seed Stockers girls.

This is my setup:

A small room with some sheeting which measures roughly 2.4m x 1.2m
2 - Medium parabolic sunkings shaders, run by classic digital hacienda ballast's , 600w hps

Extraction and air movement
a 315/600 rhino pro out-take running on a 315mm RVK set to high
1 - 20" floor fan
1- 18" desk fan

Grow Method/medium
3 Ltr plastic pots for first 14 days in a general garden store pre fertilised seedling mix
Then into 16ltr Root Pouches with either eco thrive 60/40 or gold label 60/40 (my current cycle will determine which)

Canna coco A + B
Atami rootbastic
Shogun Cal Mag
AN Big bud coco
GT Silicon
Bcuzz Bloom Stim
Atami Bloombastic

I will be germing 3 sticky fingers, 3 Nicole Cream and 1 White Widow on the 30th which should work perfect with my current cycle and will finally have me going perpetual :biggrin:

Germination pic:


After 16-18 hours in the cup the seeds were placed into some kitchen roll soaked by the water from the cup, this was then placed into an old PS4 game case and then wrapped in a kitchen towel and placed into a cardboard box which sits in a shaded area of my grow room.
Pictures to follow shortly.

Big thanks to @Seedstockers_Mischa for the great selection and goodies and all the staff for making this happen.

Thanks for posting your journal up, looks like you will have a full room for sure :pass:
SeedStockers GOTY 2nd leg Update

After 16 hours in a cup of water and 38 hours in wet kitchen roll closed inside an old ps4 game case we had 100% germination rate.

Nicole Cream


Sticky Fingers: I must say tho I usually have 1 or maybe 2 from a larger batch sprout very quickly to have all 3 shed shells and try growing into the Kitchen roll is both very amusing and very very promising.


White Widow


All were then placed into 3ltr plastic pots with around 2 ltrs of bio bizz all mix and placed under a 600w HPS.


Next morning and all 3 of the Sticky Fingers are doing very well, I expect the rest will be through tomorrow as I can already see some soil displacement.


@RivetGrrl No worries, relieved to now have it all set so I just have to add the updates. Hopefully the room will be very very very full to make up for my current disappointing cycle haha
SeedStockers GOTY 2nd leg Update

After 16 hours in a cup of water and 38 hours in wet kitchen roll closed inside an old ps4 game case we had 100% germination rate.

Nicole Cream


Sticky Fingers: I must say tho I usually have 1 or maybe 2 from a larger batch sprout very quickly to have all 3 shed shells and try growing into the Kitchen roll is both very amusing and very very promising.


White Widow


All were then placed into 3ltr plastic pots with around 2 ltrs of bio bizz all mix and placed under a 600w HPS.


Next morning and all 3 of the Sticky Fingers are doing very well, I expect the rest will be through tomorrow as I can already see some soil displacement.


@RivetGrrl No worries, relieved to now have it all set so I just have to add the updates. Hopefully the room will be very very very full to make up for my current disappointing cycle haha

I hear ya, I have been doing the opposite and overcrowding, and had a few disasters so now I have to tone it down and grow less. Perpetual is a pain, but it's what I do.
Everything looks great you're off to the races :woohoo1:
Day 5

Everything is looking fine, topped most of the pots with more bio-bizz all mix to help the stems out and fed a little plain unph'd water (sits at 6.8ph from tap) All the girls are through tho I did have to operate slightly on one of the nicole cream. After a few days and all other girls being up and happy I did some digging and found the girl, looked as if she tried to sprout but did not have it in her. I took a pair of tweezers and being as gentle as I could removed the seed casing and whatever the sack that covers the plant is called (that was quite a task) to reveal what appears to be a plant that is not fully formed or maybe albino?? I have left it to its own devices and tho there is no sign of growth the stem is now turning green, which I assume is the plant taking some nutrients and coming to life?? anyone who has more knowledge than me on the subject I would love to hear from, in the time being I will just leave it and see how it goes. At the moment it appears like one of the sticky fingers will be the battle plant, never come across 3 seedlings as eager to please.

I think she will make it, what do you guys think?
cream turning green.jpg
Seed Stockers G.O.T.Y 2nd leg - Week 1 Update

Day 7

All the girls are doing fine bar the one nicole cream, hanging on to life by a thread.
All pots have been topped up with more bio bizz all mix to support the stretch and fed more non ph'd water sitting at 6.8ph


With the bio-bizz all mix you have to wet it upon use as the organic nutrients take time to come alive, now the pots are full I can let the medium dry to more my liking before the next feed which should increase the rate of growth. I will also be moving all the biggest plants in my current cycle to one side of the room so that I can lower the light to a more preferable level for these girls.

P.s I will keep the Ill nicole cream until it gives up and dies, I am very interested to see if firstly it will come alive and secondly once it does come alive will the time passed have been wasted meaning the plant will flower far too early or has it been in stasis meaning it still has a full grow cycle to complete........since I am now perpetual we will definitely be able to find out.
Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 2 update

Day 14

Just fed as and when needed with more plain water, will be potted up into 16ltr root pouches with Gold label 60/40 as soon as my order arrives (sooner the better but latest should be monday)
The Nicole cream I operated on didn't show any signs of activity so has now been removed because the rest need the space. Back 2 are nicole cream (scraggy leaves but pulling through now) Middle left is the White widow and the Other 3 are the sticky fingers. Happy with the progress so far the girls are exactly where I would expect them to be at this stage in my setup, the 2 remaining nicole cream started a little scraggy, they are growing out of it now, I don't have much idea why they started like that but I have come across a few like this before and they end up perfectly fine.

Sorry to see you lost that little Nicole Cream, but the rest of the gals are going strong :smoking:
Seedstockers GOTY 2nd leg - Week 3 update

Day 21

Plants were again fed only un-ph'd water when required and finally got potted up yesterday day 20 (16 Ltr root pouchs with gold label 60/40). They started showing signs of wanting more root space from day 18 and within 12 hours of being potted up started to look happy again so should not have caused too many problems. Once potted I gave each plant 2ltrs of feed containing 0.5ml of rootbastic per 20L and 5ml of canna A and B per 20L which came to an EC of 0.3. I then removed most of the big shader leaves and pinched the top to encourage the plants to bush out more.

Back right is the White widow, Front right and centre are the Nicole Cream and the remaining 3 are the sticky fingers

Sorry to see you lost that little Nicole Cream, but the rest of the gals are going strong :smoking:
Yeah I was hoping she would pull through too, I even left her to the side but when I checked yesterday there was still no change so I finally dumped her in the bin :frowny:
Now they are potted up and have both lights to themselves they will take off :smoking:
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