Indoor Seed Stockers Blackberry Gum and Amnesia Auto Grow

Days 14 and 13 for the Amnesia Haze and the Blackberry Gum, respectively. Still growing well. Temps are in the mid-60s during lights on which is a little low, but ok. Still feeding Mega Crop 2.0 with each watering. I'm a little concerned in that the Amnesia Haze, while supposedly a sativa, looks like an indica with her broad leaves. Any reason for this concern?

Group Shot:

Amnesia Haze, Day 14:

Blackberry Gum, Day 13:
Days 16 and 15 for the Amnesia Haze and Blackberry Gum, respectively.

Opened the tent today and the Blackberry Gum was looking very droopy. The Amnesia Haze was standing proud and tall, though. Both soils were fairly dry so I gave each plant a quart of water with 1g of Mega Crop 2.0. I'll check in a bit to see if the Blackberry Gum has perked up. I can already note that the watering frequency is increasing as these girls get bigger and bigger.

As of right now I plan to let both of these grow naturally and perform no LST. I might do some light pulling of some branches (i.e., hanging clothes pins off of branches and using gravity to pull them down), but I haven't fully decided yet.
Alright, it's been a few hours after watering and the Blackberry Gum is still droopy. Anything I should be worried about?

Blackberry Gum:

Amnesia Haze:
Good news! This morning when I checked, the Blackberry Gum had perked back up. :thumbsup:

Bad news is now I see there's a fungus gnat issue going on in the tent. Added some more yellow stickies and will treat the soil with H2O2 at the next watering. Will also make up some neem oil spray for the plants. It's time for all out war on those little bastards. :cuss:
Here are the two girls at days 17 and 18. Both perky and starting to really grow. Since I always need something to worry about, it still looks like either both of them are indica dominant which is surprising since the Amnesia Haze is supposed to be sative dominant. Or, maybe I mixed up the seeds, as the Blackberry Gum seems to have thinner leaf profiles than the Amnesia Haze.

Anyways, I'm heading out of town for a week and hope to see some big growth when I return. Cheers all!

Back from my trip and the two girls are looking good. Here they are at days 24 and 23. I noticed some small brown spots on two leaves of the Amnesia Haze (picture below) any idea what they could be? Also, at this point, should I bother removing some of the bigger fan leaves?

