Seed Stockers Seed Stockers' 420 Limerick Contest

And my third from current events...

There was a tall chick they call Brittney,
With cannabis oil in her chitney.
Went to the East Bloc
with some more in her sock,
so they gave her 10 years with Dmitry.

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Seedstockers provides the seeds,
For the weed that I grow for my needs,
I grew under a spider,
It took a while to find her,
Thank god for them little green trees.

Drop seeds for love, not bombs for pain
Rucu cucu would be the name
We all share only one sky
Let the phoenix rise and fly
Mero, Mero, Glory to Ukraine

There once was an old man named Rick.
All the women thought him a prick.
So he paid a seed bank
And grew some nice dank.
Now they can't get enough Moby Dick.
Sony this is the randy rhyme! I find it most inoffensive.

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Are you a poet but just don't know it?

Seed Stockers Presents:

The 420 Limerick Contest.

What Is a Limerick?
A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or description. Most limericks are comedic, some are downright crude, and nearly all are trivial in nature.

You may post up to three separate limericks or variations on one.

Your limerick should pertain to the Cannabis world.

Your limerick must contain either one of the Seed Stockers' strain names and/or your current AFN member name.

Include "#420Limerick" in the post.

Name changes after 3/3/2022 voids your entry.

Open for entries on 3/17/2022 Closed for entries 4/15/2022.

Judging will be done by @Seedstockers-Mark (hint hint) with the winners announced on 420!

1st 3 packets of seeds(3 or 5 seed packs)
2nd 2 packets of seeds (3 or 5 seed packs)
3rd 1 packet of seeds (3 or 5 seed packs)

We all know about The young man from Nantucket! Don't go there.
The young man from Nantucket may not go there, but the maiden fair does! So out with it folks, tee up and take a big stroke:smoking:After all we be playing for seed and my gweed be inflamed.
SeedStockers' SuperSkunk standing tall and fit from her 5th....

took her damn time
but finished on the rhyme
and dropped way more
than a dime

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