Seed Stockers Seed Stockers' 420 Limerick Contest

There's a difference in right and in wrong
some people just can't play along
be careful with rules
don't act like a mule
or the content will be gone gone gone

(sorry manOg .. i couldn't resist. you can chop this one out as it's got nothing to do with cannabis or the rules)
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I looked at this thread and Thought Jeeeze...
This comp really should be a breeze...
Then someone got lewd..
The Fun bit got screwed..
Just keep it respectful guys Pleeeese...... :pass:

Sorry @blue has Tickled a Funny Bone........:crying:
Hello, D3pth Charg3 is my name,
And growing seeds is my game.
Seed Stockers sells seeds,
To meet all my needs,
I shall order some seeds from Spain.

I've been wanting to try CBD,
But I also want some THC.
Oh, what a riddle,
To find something in the middle,
Silver Lime Haze sounds perfect for me.

Indeed, Silver Lime Haze looks great,
To order a pack I can't wait.
But due to restrictions,
From crooked politicians,
Unfortunately they don't ship to the States.

A big thank you to @Seedstockers-Mark and the entire Seedstockers crew for the opportunity; what fun!
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