Seed Stockers Seed Stockers' 420 Limerick Contest

A #420Limrick for St Patty forum fun.

One Emerald Archer, one day He did write.
Of his first Garden’s grow to this Awesome website.
His tale told the story from the seed to the smoke.
He gifted some nuggets for growmies to Toke n to Try.
Then they replied back with “Good Job, im quite HIGH!”.


if I dont win Congratz to the winning members. And thanks to Seed Stockers for sponsorship !

This here Wedding Glue was grown in a solo,
Roots inside cup was part of the promo.
A dried 47 grams later,
We were smoking and than........

What were we talking about again?

Seedstockers Genetics exploded 2k 1 and á 7
I tried their strains out - and the smoke sent me to heaven.
Gelato four one
White Widow for two
Im dropping their strain-names, like I’m the Seven Eleven, or two


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