New Grower Second Grow Journal - Let's see if I can do better this time !

2nd times a charm! Or is it the 3rd.. Or 4th.. Haha. Either way, just keep growing!
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Fresh!! Watch out for that WW! I just grew out an auto widow that got over 3 1/2 feer tall and over 2ft wide. Now I freak whenver I see those xxl stains! Hahaa!
WEEK 2 - Second Grow. The larger Wild Thai fell over and was literally growing parallel with the ground (roots still growing). Had to stake it to get it up right. Also fimm'd the larger Wild Thai. The small Thai is growing well and the Blue Dream is coming along nicely, I intend to top that one soon. Feeding schedule: ph'd water 1/2 tsp CM


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2.5 Weeks- growth is going great. I fimm'd the Wild Thais and topped the Blue Dream. Feeding: Ph water, 1/2 tsp Cal Mag, 1/8 tsp of Recharge. The Recharge encouraged growth for sure. Please excuse the sideways pics


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Week 3.5 - Have had explosive growth from Recharge, they also recovered nicely to the fimming & topping. Multiple colas on all plants :) I tied down the main cola of the large wild thai, but it sits all to one side of the pot, I hope this isn't going to be a problem later. The small wild thai shot up past the blue dream. First Feeding this week: Ph'd water, 1/2 tsp. GB, 1/2 tsp. BB, 1/2 tsp. cal mag. I am still following @FullDuplex grow schedule plus recharge. The second feeding is tomorrow where I will add more Recharge. They are starting to smell as well.


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Week 3.5 - Have had explosive growth from Recharge, they also recovered nicely to the fimming & topping. Multiple colas on all plants :) I tied down the main cola of the large wild thai, but it sits all to one side of the pot, I hope this isn't going to be a problem later. The small wild thai shot up past the blue dream. First Feeding this week: Ph'd water, 1/2 tsp. GB, 1/2 tsp. BB, 1/2 tsp. cal mag. I am still following @FullDuplex grow schedule plus recharge. The second feeding is tomorrow where I will add more Recharge. They are starting to smell as well.

Looking good my man. Nice job on the FIM and Topping!

Here have a nice slap for that...