New Grower Second grow, Forum Stomper, Skywalker and Tangerine Dream

Day 57, New Light
So after much deliberation and research I decided to upgrade my light. Bought the MH FC-E3000. The price point and the ability to move the driver outside of the tent were the main reasons. Just installed it, started it at 75% power and will increase that over the next 24 hours to 100%. Won't have to stuff my girls to the middle of the tent anymore. Was able to clean the tent and prune/train the girls a teenie bit. The light fits perfectly and I'm excited to see the results. They sure are getting frosty... Especially Ms Forum Stomper.
Order of pics: Tangerine Dream, Skywalker, FS
Yeah that's not fun at this stage of the grow.

Tent got up to 81 during lights off today.
Managed to keep it under 82 when lights came back on.
Humidity is up too with a storm coming.
Yeah that's not fun at this stage of the grow.

Tent got up to 81 during lights off today.
Managed to keep it under 82 when lights came back on.
Humidity is up too with a storm coming.
We just had a mini storm come through a few days ago. Luckily humidity has leveled off. But our outside temps are getting up to 80 now.
What do you do when your tent temps go up like that?
Days that are 80+ in flower I just keep the tent open.
Mainly to keep humidity and Temps a little lower.
They sleep from 1.30pm to 7.30pm.The last hour of sleep I will open the storage room door and get some cooler air inside.
Try to get the storage room under 75f.
As long as the nights get under 70f I can manage a steady 80-82 in the tent.
Right now I'm trying for 78-80f to finish
If Temps get higher I will give her a couple hours more sleep.

In veg I will let it run up over 85 and just get the humidity up to 75-80 %.
It's more economical to add humidity instead of ac cooling.

In 4 weeks when we hit the 90's,I won't be growing.
Start again in October.
Days that are 80+ in flower I just keep the tent open.
Mainly to keep humidity and Temps a little lower.
They sleep from 1.30pm to 7.30pm.The last hour of sleep I will open the storage room door and get some cooler air inside.
Try to get the storage room under 75f.
As long as the nights get under 70f I can manage a steady 80-82 in the tent.
Right now I'm trying for 78-80f to finish
If Temps get higher I will give her a couple hours more sleep.

In veg I will let it run up over 85 and just get the humidity up to 75-80 %.
It's more economical to add humidity instead of ac cooling.

In 4 weeks when we hit the 90's,I won't be growing.
Start again in October.
Shoot I wish I could keep the tent open... discretion is required in my apartments. But ya same, I always try to get cooler air in my bedroom/closet when possible. When I decided to start growing I could swear my closet had an A/C vent... probably shoulda double checked cause it does not. My only source of fresh air is to keep the closet door open, which is possible most of the time. When I have to shut the closet door :fire::wall: it gets hot quick.

You don't grow through summer? We have central A/C in our little place so I think I'll be able to grow in the summer months. But it does get hot in Northern Cali, so we'll see how the future grow goes.
Day 63
Leaves on the FS faded quickly. Not sure if it was a calcium deficiency or lockout or something else. Buds are looking good and smelling good. TD is smelling amazing, very sweet citrus. Checked the trichs on a couple different colas, no amber yet, maybe 70% cloudy. Guessing they got a couple weeks left. Also been dealing with fungus gnats again for the last week...damned buggers. I've been able to keep them under control with yellow sticky traps and mosquito bit tea every other watering. The FS was their favorite throughout the grow (maybe that's why she's faded faster)


