Hi Gtron I too have encountered many problems with this soil. Because I have completed several grows (soil, hydro, outdoor) without any problems except for the fact of me being impatient and harvesting early on my 1st one. I'm chauking up all the problems I'm haveing with my ryders to the ladybug soil. I have never used it before and was in a pinch since the only place I can get the
OF is about 60miles away or online of course but my ryders were in party cups and getting too big I took a chance. Bad mistake ever since the transplant I have had yellowing leaves, red stems and extreamly stunted growth. The pots are extreamly heavy compaired to my photo plant in
OF that is atleast double the size of the ryders. This soil is the only thing I have changed since my last grow (ChronicRyder 43g dry weight I thought that was pretty good). As muddy has stated in both of our posts the soil has sand in it which will get compacted. My conclusion on this is the roots of my plants are starved for O2, which means I have to some how get some oxygen to the root system after pondering several different ways to do this I will be trying a few different things
1. On 1st plant I will try adding some hydrogen peroxide to my water, my basic thinking behind this is hopefully I will get a little more oxygen to the root system as well as strip any left over nutes that may be in the soil from it retaining so much water note: I am only doing this because I am so close to harvest Im sure the hydrogen peroxide will kill alot of the micro-organizams in the so called "organic" soil but I dont realy care about them at this.
2. On 2nd plant I will water with plain R/O water after bubbling and chilling to about 70 degrees for 24hrs(cooler water will hold much more o2)
my plants have been drying out for the last 5-6 days so I will be doing this tonight I will let you know how this works out but I will NOT be using this LadyBug soil again as I thinks its a cannabis killer
1. On 1st plant I will try adding some hydrogen peroxide to my water, my basic thinking behind this is hopefully I will get a little more oxygen to the root system as well as strip any left over nutes that may be in the soil from it retaining so much water note: I am only doing this because I am so close to harvest Im sure the hydrogen peroxide will kill alot of the micro-organizams in the so called "organic" soil but I dont realy care about them at this.
2. On 2nd plant I will water with plain R/O water after bubbling and chilling to about 70 degrees for 24hrs(cooler water will hold much more o2)
my plants have been drying out for the last 5-6 days so I will be doing this tonight I will let you know how this works out but I will NOT be using this LadyBug soil again as I thinks its a cannabis killer